Eoin Maloney

Yeah…Gene Simmons, despite his ego, has not proved to be the most talented member of KISS. Or the second-most. Or third. Or fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, or ninth for that matter.

But C++ is so much more broadly supported.

Y'know, I think it's kind of fascinating how much depth you can find in some random schlub's Reddit history, and we'd have never known about any of it if somebody hadn't gone to the trouble of digging it up. Not just the shitty stuff that immediately got plastered everywhere, but also the semi-shitty, non-shitty, and

Well, he was certainly pretty stiff in a lot of his scenes with Jessica.

NPR Pledge Drive, you've failed this comment thread. The Arrow is basically Batman without the aversion to inflicting puncture wounds.

The porn industry is surprisingly racist.

Except cats don't cry or merge to form larger cats most of the time.

In addition to Nanefua's possibly saucy novel, the librarian is reading "Passions of Xanxor."

I dunno, you have some potential.

I really hate how much of a turn the franchise took toward action in lieu of survival horror, and the movies have not been helping.

No mention of Fry's dog? Blasphemy.

They're going to put ads for Spongebob at the bottom of all the episodes, I just know it.

Honestly, I have to give it to Sadie for #1 bad-ass human. She took down a corrupted gem monster about three times as tall as her and built like an ape, basically single-handed.

Keep the Quarian refugees out!

"We can't afford to take care of all these Quarian refugees! Some of them might be Geth spies!" -Donald SpaceTrump

I think the issue all comes down to poor communication and people not handling things in a healthy way.

I think that one went over my head. Newsletter?

Or, maybe it got cancelled because it wasn't really that good?

You're not wrong. He was just slightly racist.

"Senator Cruz, are you aware of the game Battletoads?"