
I was thinking the same thing. So if Scorpio can run 4k well there is no way it is targeting the average gamer price-wise.

The S model definitely has my attention- for the right price. I’m sure it will because you know MS is constantly trying to undercut Sony with price. Great for us!!!

That’s the vibe I got too. Can’t really blame them though... It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.

Yeah, I think a matte black would look nicer, but I’ll have to see one in person to make up my mind. Then again, you typically don’t stare at the console when you’re playing, at least that’s what I’m told :P

Makes it fly through the air better like a golf ball :P

Looks like a Netgear router like that. Looks better to me horizontal.

Cool dealio. Not too many XB1 games I want right now but there are a few more coming sometime. I’m sure I’ll pick this up later- lot nicer looking than the ginormous current box :)

Since when did dropping g’s become exclusively black? That sounds more racist than what all these “cultural appropriation” advocates claim... as does, “That singer can’t enunciate properly so they must be black.”

Very cool! I’ve been itching to play it again after XIII, but that game killed my PS3, well I did, after playing it non-stop. And it was my only PS2-capable machine... So I was hoping a remaster would come :)

I also read that there are sections that aren’t open-world (or not as open world as we’ve become accustomed to in FF?). Sounds like a bit of a bummer, but IMO as long as those sections have plenty to do it should be fine.

Well, the car is already black so it should be able to go over water and mountains out-of-the-box :)

You know people’s brains are mush if a bottle flip is enough to name someone a “legend.”

I think those memory cards may have been the Vita’s Achilles’ heel. I love the Vita too but it is such a damned shame how Sony handled it. It deserved so much more :(

I think those memory cards may have been the Vita’s Achilles’ heel. I love the Vita too but it is such a damned

I don’t think talking sense into someone like that will work. Apparently they’re so insecure that playing as a fictional digital female character will turn him into a little girl, cooties and all.

Apparently, if you’re white, you’re automatically privileged no matter your background... if you happen to be a male too? Wooo, forget about it!

I always find it funny how people notice so much of this sort of thing. The only thing I ever think about is if the character was cool or not and if they fulfilled their purpose in the story satisfactorily.

I see how a trans person should be able to use the bathroom that aligns to the gender they identify with, but I also see the potential safety issues. What will happen if/when a rape occurs because some asshole takes advantage of this?

You can get the Uncharted Collection on PS4 that has all three of the other console games. And it’s about $40 now, less if you shop around. Well worth having if you like action-adventure games and are at least interested in Uncharted.

Splatoon the game doesn’t interest me, but dammit if Nintendo didn’t make some more very fun-looking characters in it! I got the original 3-pack and I for sure will get the sisters one too :)

I figured at first when Nintendo announced mobile plans that their games wouldn’t work too well with a touchscreen. I can’t believe I never thought of Fire Emblem then! I think that will work out great! I’ll keep my ears and eyes open for more news on that one :)