
IMO, the show was nearly unwatchable almost from the beginning because of the excessive nudity/sex and violence. I love fanservice and a good fight as much as the next guy but HBO seemed to be trying to see how far it can push things with GoT and it got in the way of everything else. The story would get going only to

I’m not your dude, guy.

Well, there’s nothing about the series’ story that MUST be Japanese. There’s nothing intrinsically Japanese about a cybernetic society and the people that police it. IMO, the only weird thing would be if Johansson’s character is named Motoko Kusunagi, but she most likely will be named something else (along with the

You know, I never thought of that. That would be amazing!

I see no reason why the core of the GitS story must be in Japan or played by Asians, assuming they aren’t the exact same characters established in the movies and series, only based off them.

No thanks, but I will take the pieces. You can never have enough :)

But could he survive Instrumentality?

But how will we know what Godzilla is saying? He doesn’t have the facial muscles to make expressions with.

I dunno, if Eva-01 awakens on Godzilla, there isn’t much a radioactive monster can do against an “actual” god that tears it to pieces.

So... what was so exciting about the trailer? Godzilla just stood around the entire time and no dialogue to clue us in to anything.

Eh, not that nice looking to me. I guess since I never had a SNES I don’t have that nostalgia factor going for me. But definitely a nice call back :)

It was especially nice to have that option at the end-game when you had to redo so many things...

Yep, you can speed up the game (not actual encounter rate) so it’s actually in fast-forward. You can also turn off random encounters.

That was the exact same thing I did. It made the game so much more enjoyable, IMO. I wish more RPGs did something similar. FFVII on PS4 had a neat variation on adjusting encounter rate too.

It was a joke, fella.

All these poor fools that removed their Amiibos from the packaging... tsk-tsk.

Well, then you’re in for a real treat! Enjoy!

The demo was cute but nothing really exciting. And short. Seems it’s mainly a graphics display and for those who just want Carbuncle in the final game... like me :)

You have to admit that it is interesting that people first called Uncharted “Dude Raider” and then later said that the TR reboot looked like Uncharted.

You’ll just have to be sure your TV is facing towards Mecca first.