
How to play Pokemon Go? Answer: you don’t. Regular Pokemon is addicting enough as it is!!!! Don’t risk it!

As much as I love F1, it’s definitely a rich boys’ club. I hope she gets into it! I would love to see things shook up :)

I’m in the same boat (or spaceship?) as you. I never cared for CoD since the original Modern Warfare and I had no clue what that demo was and thinking, “This looks pretty awesome!” Then to find out that it was CoD: IW- I was floored! I almost couldn’t believe it, a CoD that I might want to play! Definitely wont get it

Well, sounds like no GoW x Skyrim then. Still cool and still anxiously awaiting it. Thanks for the info :)

All I know is that I was hoping for Kratos to be left alone for the next installment. But after seeing the demo and how they’re looking into the parental/human side of Kratos definitely has my attention because Kratos’ insane non-stop rage was starting to get old- this coming from a GoW fanatic.

Kinda ironic... I haven’t cared for CoD since the first MW. A friend (who never cared for CoD at all) and I were watching Sony’s presentation together and when that demo came on both of us were like, “That looks pretty cool. What is it?” Then the title came up and our jaws dropped, LOL!

You beat one game and two more take its place. They’re like a damn hydra!

The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, ReCore, ScaleBound, FFXV, Star Ocean V, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Dishonored 2, Pokemon Sun/Moon, Hellblade, Nier: Automata, Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4, FFXII HD, Mass Effect: Andromeda, God of War...

I guess I can see how it wouldn’t be to everyone’s liking. I enjoyed it some on Vita, particularly the setting, style, and concept, but some parts of the controls made me unable to finish it. I decided to give the PS4 version a shot and it was MUCH more enjoyable on the Dualshock 4- I Platinum’d it :)

At first I was hoping that they’d let Kratos rest in peace. But after seeing the demo and reading to follow-up details, I’m kinda excited! It think it will be neat to see Kratos trying to regain his humanity. Lets hope he isn’t as gullible this time around!

I can’t wait for this game. It looks amazing. Here’s hoping it remains as such in Feb!

I mustn’t get too excited, I mustn’t get too excited, I mustn’t get too excited, I mustn’t get too excited, I mustn’t get too excited, I MUSTN’T GET TOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CRASH IS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t doubt her love of games (like many others do for some asinine reason), I just don’t like her “humor.”

I hate it when she tries to be funny, she always falls flat on her face at best, rude at worse. Otherwise she is great when she isn’t trying to be funny.

Ugh, Aisha again. She’s great when she isn’t trying to be funny, otherwise she comes off as irritating.

I’ll be getting one of these this year :) Couldn’t care less for 4K since I don’t have a 4K TV. Maybe later down the line.

Well, I already have a PS4 and 3DS. An XB1 will only expand my options and lessen my productivity.

I disagree. Action-Adventure games still have a very strong presence. Look at Uncharted, Quantum Break, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, Ratchet & Clank (though also a platformer), God of War, The Last Guardian, Detriot, Sea of Theives, Nier: Automata, Deus Ex: MD, ScaleBound, and of course ReCore. Not to mention many

This is my most anticipated XB1 game. Looks like I’ll be getting an XB1S later this year :)