
Rather, I think it may be neat if Sony was a “Sega” for handhelds: I think it be cool if they published handheld games on the 3DS. They wouldn’t have to put out for hardware R&D and get access to a huge user base.

I hate you so much for making that painfully truthful joke...


Boo-hoo. Not everything and everyone needs to go through a union just so they (the union) can take some of the cash. I don’t think unions need to disappear, but they need to learn their boundaries.

Well, anyone who plays a story mode for the first time out of sequence is an idiot IMO, but hey, options are always nice.

Nice to now know that some of the issues I saw wasn’t my system acting up, such as near the Cave of Dreams where there was tons of stuttering. Whew!

Desperate isn’t inaccurate though for the time... aggressive probably is. The PS4 price cut just seems more expected at this time of the console cycle; I don’t see aggression in that. That would’ve been undercutting MS right after their price cut.

I think so. Even with some of the conventionally controlled games you mentioned, the bottom screen was used for some menu options or quick selects. The majority of Wii U games didn’t even do that, particularly after launch period.

Too bad it’ll never happen :( NX maybe? At least the games are still fun on both current systems!

It baffles me why Nintendo didn’t take what they learned from making DS/3DS games and apply that to the Wii U. Seemed exceptionally obvious... The Wii U should’ve been RPG nirvana!

Nintendo has no one but themselves to blame for the Wii U not taking off. Too many of their games 2nd screen experience was just mirroring the bigger screen. Barely any did the obvious with menus, alternate views, etc. Deus Ex: HR did that well on it. The Wii U is a great idea that Nintendo failed on with the

Well, if MS can’t be #1 in the console wars, they can at least get licensing fees from it!

I don’t think anyone will deny what you said. But that doesn’t prove that pre-ordering is a problem.

I agree, everything I’ve been saying and that others are are just conjecture at this point (though there is evidence in the form of testimonials from devs being pushed too hard). But all any of us know for sure is that games are being released with more than our fair share of bugs and that needs to stop.

Well, a game as huge as The Witcher 3 is bound to have some issues, but none were on the level of the recent Batman game or AC: Unity. Frankly, I thought The Witcher 3 was very VERY well done, especially compared to Skyrim. And I didn’t hear anyone complain about pre-orders being a culprit then, only “It’s Bethesda.”

The problem with that argument is that the publishers don’t get your money right when you pre-order. That money stays with the store you pre-ordered from until they buy their shipments.

And all you listed has to do with the publishers’ acts themselves, not with pre-ordering. In fact your point about marketing is the same I made about publishers pushing tighter deadlines on developers. Pre-ordering has nothing to do with that.

Didn’t they do Ergo Proxy too? :(

It’s hard to tell anymore, huh? Too many places rely on sensationalist strategies to get attention.

Eh, I wouldn’t worry about that. I can still find “Day 1” editions of numerous games anywhere, such as MGSV:PP and FF Type-0.