
I agree with you 100%, but doesn’t that say that the issue is with the publishers and not pre-orders? Especially since they’ve been done for ages and only recently have too many games been released unfinished? Sounds like there are other variables at work here instead of pre-orders.

I don’t think it’s fair to say pre-orders are bad because you prefer to wait to get them at a discount (not wanting to pre-order to wait for the stupidly embargoed reviews, that’s perfectly sound though). The logic the Kotaku parrots/authors are repeating doesn’t make sense and has no evidence beyond “we don’t like

I’m glad SE canceled the program since it was just flat-out stupid. But damn, you Kotaku authors are starting to sound like parrots mindlessly repeating the “don’t pre-order” rhetoric.

“Guaranteed sales”? Um, no they are not. You can cancel pre-orders everywhere. And no, the publisher does not get your money right when you pre-order, the money (however much you put down) stays with the company you pre-ordered from until they order their allotment. Digital pre-orders could be a different story

I thought the trophy screenshot was a neat idea, until about 70% of them turned out to be of a black screen... Manual screenshots look much better anyway.

It’s definitely you’re PS4 that is having an issue.

There’s two kinds of sarcasm: silly and dick. You’re not sounding very silly here... you’re sounding more like giving people more options to express themselves is a bad thing.

It’s been ages since I played any Battletech. I still have all my minis (they’re still being made by Iron Wind Metals, FYI) including a number of “unseen” ones- my pride and joys!

I used to think it was just a thought with no real meat to it, but the more I think about it, it really seems Japan is getting more and more bizarre.

Is it just me, or are models more creepy than beautiful? They look so fake and sickly.

Like many others here, apparently, I stopped after III. They just lost so much of what made the series good and unique. It’s a shell of it’s former self. It’s almost certain I’ll pass on Syndicate too. So I’ll wait for Dishonored 2 ;)

I’m a big Vita fan, but this saddens me so much... because it’s all true! Well, except one tiny bit with lumping Uncharted: Golden Abyss with CoD: Declassified and Resistance: Burning Skies. It may not of been as good as the core Uncharted games but it sure as hell wasn’t the abortions the other two were! And the

“The government shall not infringe on the rights of citizens to download as much pornography as they wish for the duration of their natural life, with no restrictions whatsoever to the usage limit thereof.” -Amendment 69

And there’s another reason I don’t think digital downloads will become the norm. Most people have the notion that digital games should be cheaper but the publishers disagree because to them we only pay for a license to play the game. So it’s unlikely they’ll lower prices.

Unlike what others may say, I think a gamer can be someone who only has a couple hours a week to devote to gaming, one who plays only on mobile, or even someone who plays predominately one game. The reasons I listed (and more) apply to them just as well.

Yeah, it does sound very stringent with the few qualifications I listed. Those were just the more glaring ones that I could think of. I’m sure others can list more.

IMO, there’s a difference between those who play games and a gamer. Those who play games may play quite a bit, but games aren’t all that important to them. Gamers on the other hand, well, you know :)

I thought I covered that with my athlete comparison... guess not. Anyway, a gamer will be someone who pretty much lives for games, someone who reads the blogs, sets time aside to watch E3, etc.

I may have been breezed by it my first response, but I too think consoles will eventually go disc-less, that’s what I mean’t with streaming games, like Playstation Now.

Your logic is sound but with the huge assumption that it will sell huge. Streaming boxes, including Apple TV, have never really been hits with the masses. Same for micro-consoles.