
Seems a little ham-fisted and too direct. I prefer things a bit more subtle and layered, IMO that makes you think about things more thoroughly. Not that this looks bad, but it feels shallow and that it doesn’t make you think about what’s going on too much.

Holy crap, that was awful, pretty much the worst from both sides going head to head. It’s people like them that give both sides of the argument bad names... nobody there wanted anything fixed, only to get attention for themselves.

Great news to hear. I loved the original, so I’m excited to play it again on PS4, but a sequel is just awesome! I’m glad that this game isn’t being forgotten. The Vita may be essentially dead but its best games don’t need to die too!

Ditto! GR was the reason a got a Vita, and I missed it so much when I sold it. I was planning on getting another Vita when the aqua blue one comes, but now with my two favorite games for it coming to PS4 (the other being TearAway) I’ve little reason to get a Vita again, other than Shinobido 2.

I don’t quite know about that. The problem is that the game couldn’t have been realized the way that we know and love and wouldn’t have been as memorable without the Vita. But emulating that gameplay could be much easier with the PS4 now, so perhaps this will be her chance... as long as Sony advertises the game well!

Well, that’s your opinion, one that most who played it would disagree with. Oh well. But I thought the gravity mechanic was well done, it just required steady hands. As for the story making little sense, what else did you expect for a Japanese game? I can’t think of a single one that made much sense, but that’s some

Well, I always felt his Youtube stuff was irritating junk, but then again, most Youtube stuff is. Hopefully his new endeavors aren’t like those. Underneath his annoying Youtube personality you can see someone with potential, so good luck to him. JUST NO MORE PEWDIEPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, when you think Pokemon designs can’t get any worse... the games are still fun, but damn... this doesn’t even feel like a Pokemon.

Wow, the world’s most fun gaming company now has the grumpiest looking man as president. As long as he makes it easier to get amiibos...

I felt The Witcher 3 was much more complete and polished than many other games lately (by far!). The price was much more justifiable if you ask me, especially considering all the improvements and DLC were free. So no harm, no foul, in this case.

Pre-ordering is somehow the devil (thanks to major mental gymnastics there) and yet you still pre-ordered? I smell a hypocrite!

From what I’ve seen, it’s the publishers that are the problem. They have gotten so damned greedy that they push the devs too much, forcing them to cut corners. I think that came about thanks to the ability to patch it later.

Pre-ordering hasn’t burnt me yet. Everywhere I’ve pre-ordered you have a couple days to pick it up- enough time to read reviews (even though embargos shouldn’t friggin’ exist!!!!!). But I don’t think the average gamer reads many reviews in the first place...

There’s no problem with the pre-order system here. Like others have said, it’s Kotaku scapegoating. People don’t like all the game-breaking bugs lately nor do they like pre-order incentives giving some gamers an unfair edge. So then a huge leap in logic is made: pre-ordering is causing the problems. They then make

I wish there was an image of Family Guy’s “Who else but Quagmire?” but with Kojima instead.

This version of Gray Fox is excellent. Personally, the only thing I would’ve kept was some of the orange and blue (less blue) for some sections like the forearms and shins. With the grays and blacks they would really pop.

Um, cool? Definitely not for me, but hopefully one will come around, perhaps an awesome Fire Emblem one.

Cool. I missed out on 3. By the time I played the demo the game had disappeared from shelves, at least for a reasonable price.

It looked much more like the Enterprise to me than a penis. Sure the bottom section was larger than it is supposed to, but I think people seeing a penis speaks more of their own minds (or sever lack of knowledge of the male anatomy’s appearance), not the band. Get you minds out of the gutter and/or stop looking for

I certainly do think gamers care about fashion. We wear what we like, that’s our fashion that we care about. So there. I guarantee that it’s much more comfortable than what the “fashionable” wear too :P