
At least price-wise; I hope it’s friggin’ free! Especially since it seems like it was supposed to be there to fully finish the story... but that’s too much to expect from every publisher that doesn’t make games about a cat-eyed monster killer.

That’s pretty much exactly what I figured...

As others have said, I don’t think the idea itself is bad, just the presentation. It’s too cheerful. It should’ve been done in a way to make the players feel the pain too, such as when you place a person in a spot you hear their moans of pain and sorrow, perhaps from their family on land too. The large eyes would’ve

Well, female or not, you do have some cleavage that is signable. Just wear baggy britches ;)

Finally! Someone else who remembers the greatness of Bloody Roar!!

I bet this happens all over the damn place...

And people will still make accept Nintendo’s nonsense on how these are so hard to make which is why they’re rare. This is proof-positive that that is BS.

Why do I keep expecting a car to come barreling though them at the end...?

Usually when I hear someone call something a tear-jerker I just write them off because it often isn’t for me. But damn, you weren’t kidding! Great video. I can’t wait to see where Kojima goes and what he does next!

Ah, yes, the download list. Yeah, I remember when I first got a Vita and wanted to download some of the PSone and PSP games I had and it was a pain scrolling through everything.

It is a very complicated situation, one that will most likely have to be tackled from multiple fronts. The publishers’ avarice does seem to have reached critical mass, though.

I had only 16 GB since I mostly go physical. But 64 GB and it’s full? Damn, dude! With that much content I can see how that can become a problem. If you don’t mind my asking, how many pages do you have on the home screen?

Eh, don’t worry about you message “getting away from you.” It’s well thought-out, structured, and level-headed. I’m more than happy to read those kind of responses!

That would be nice. I guess they think that folders work just as well.

Those points would make sense, except there’s is a fact that many people with your argument seem to forget, and that’s that pre-orders have been done for many, many years and it is only recently that games have been released with a higher frequency of bugs and incompleteness. So why is that? That brings me back to my

I’m glad to hear that the aqua blue one is coming to the US. I’ve been thinking about getting another Vita (starting to miss it a lot) and was thinking about importing a white one, but I like this one better!

The blue one is coming to GameStop this November.

“He’s a comedian.”

Ugh, this rhetoric again... Show me concrete evidence, not circumstantial, that pre-orders harms game quality then we can talk.

Oh boy, Mirror’s Edge and Deus Ex on the same day, sweet! The only hard part is figuring out which to play first. They may have to battle it out with a brutal 2 outta 3 paper-rock-scissors.