Without is one word. Yes, I’m that.
I’m going to send you my bank coordinates, so that you can send me the $75.
You could remove ALL the seats and the doors too, and wash the interiors with a garden hose!
Totally agree. Pity that no one will ever make another car like that!
IMHO, most of normal people watch TV because it’s mostly free... apart from those like the British and the Italians, that have to pay a tax of more than €100 per year to the State Television... see it or not, because our TV tax is now a big part of the electricity bill! And I should pay another €100 to see Amazon? The…
10 years and still running. No battery change. No wrist movement necessary. No adjustment needed, save 1 minute more or less, when setting the calendar. Just put it on in the morning, and take it off at bed time. Always in showers and at sea. Still perfect after more than ten years, except that the towns names faded…
...with nice punctuation, and pretty commas insertion.
Iranian vaporware?
Edit what? It’s still “doth”.
GMT Prime time, maybe?
Dedicated to those clueless ignorant, who think that FIAT is a sinking ship:
It’s NOT HYGENIC to touch the soles of your shoes, with all the sick spits and all the dog shit you walked on... than maybe and with the same unwashed hand, you’ll be touching your or someone else’s willy, or the bread loaf you’re gonna give to your kid... think about it!
If you’re a PIG, yes b-oink is cute. ...Say OINK!
...because in your opinion, those two douches were instead able to make love?
Nice! ...it’s Porschey!
Where did you read Km?
Wiki’s article says it’s a rendering. It’s unknown if it was ever built or not.
The SP2 by Volkswagen do Brasil is much more pretty: