Glad to see that a really interesting fact moved your attention away from the Trump, race and carpets cleaning issues. Maybe there’s hope for you, after all!
Your teacher was right, and it’s a fact that you haven’t learned shit so far.
Everipedia is crap. A full crapload of crap, for crappy people only. Crap.
If it was simple like that, I’d won a thousand.... much better bush the Jezebel idiots about the new Pepsi ad and become gray again... it’s my personal badge of honor!
Totally correct, bro! Those clowns are just envious that the most beautiful and fascinating cars in the world, are not American. Envy is a bad beast...
Last Sunday, it was just one week after the snow avalanche that killed 11 people at a posh Hotel & Spa, on the Italian Gran Sasso mountain. Bad weather still around, some seldom earthquakes and a fog thicker than split pea soup... notwithstanding that, on Sunday morning a clever dude thought: ”Oh che bello! It looks…
Dude, you’re fantastic! ...fantastically gray, that is... my kudos to you!