Enzo Ferrari

Naaaah... mine is a much more beautiful Aveo5 hatch! And indeed I must thank Chevrolet and Daewoo, because its original horn is a true HORN, not a weak klaxon* like that of many, more expensive cars. Mine is a horn that if sounded long enough, clearly says “you idiot” to the recipient and this is good. Maybe it’s an

At least, Bill knows how to flavor his cigars!

Bernie for president??

Next time, try doing that on a fan.

So that the next time the asshat Shukla will think twice, before stancing his Ferrari.

Been there. Done that. Got the giggles.

My colleague Riccardo once came to work with his open-piped Harley 1200 Anniversary edition, and left it running a couple of minutes under the window behind my desk. He did it only once, though. The next time he had mufflers.

...if you see a gray Peugeot 403 cabriolet, well... it’s Columbo’s.

Incredibly enough, Hamilton puts a jacket over the shoulders of a chilled grid girl, showing that sometimes he can be a gentleman...

Raikkonen had to crash, to have the race halted. Red Flag. And please, someone sends a couple of brooms to São Paulo, because they were picking up the small carbon pieces one by one with bare hands, and I’m sure they’ve missed some....

The sad, sad fact is that some foolishly think that the media should be as impartial as possible, so as not to upset any of their readers. Poor fools, indeed...

You’re most welcome!

I’d add “palm oil free”, because everyone wh0's sensible knows that palm oil kills the baby seals.

Gregg Popovich is an idiot.

He planned to open an auto-repair shop, and he didn’t know that YOU DO NOT START A CAR INSIDE A CLOSED GARAGE?

Ah... Rudolph Giuliani is an asshole, you say... thank you for that, because now I can SEE your face, and it’s ugly!

Pro immigrant???? ...Shirley you can’t be serious! ....signing for someone who’s willing to steal my job, for me it would be like signing to a list pro lovers of my wife!