
Ha…you funny.

Again you miss the point. it's not the # of hit records its the impact of those records. Ante Up still gets played! All the way up is another summer banger. Its impacting the lingo and integrated with hip hop culture. Those things matter in hip hop.

Not really. I don't know a hip hop head who would say different.

Not to mention this isn't about sales, this is about credibility as an emcee. That's the measuring stick. Real emcees are nervous for Minaj on a hip hop level. They know she'll be fine monetarily. This is about the art of rap. And everyone is trying to move away from that because if they were honest, they'd have to

Remy's respected. Its not about the hits. She's respected as a battler and a NY hip hop figure who's been on colossal summer anthems that are the heart of the culture. Call it what you will but lyricists respect her as an emcee from Jada to Nas to Busta on down the line.
Minaj is respected for the crossover & the

I love this post. I'm BK all day I have to agree.

Nas took months to get back at Jay and Nas is the definition of a "true lyricist". This "within 48 hours" thing is a new phenomenon. I don't mind the wait so much as I think Minaj really don't want it even if she is forced to respond. My issue with Nikki is that she's gone all the way pop sensibilities while

Ante Up & All the way up. All hip hop classics. What hip hop classics does Minaj have? Oh that "remake" of Baby Got Back. I'm not saying Minaj isn't selling but her credibility as hip hop emcee is minimal.

Again, mentioning Effie in & of itself does not imply anything about race or gender. There are words written, we all can read. The only person mentioning race or gender in this thread is you.

Did I say you made a racist or sexist statement? Who's got the agenda here?

Yes I would absolutely trust her. Effie being tough is why Jason had money for 20 pickups & a two+ reshoots. She clearly had contingency money in her project plan. She clearly had a risk mitigation plan and she was 100% right based on her boss' reaction. She wasn't hired by Jason, Effie was hired by HBO and Jason was

Clearly not

I read both interviews, it's amazing how Jason's veracity is not questioned however I've read a number of posts implying that Effie is Monday night quarterbacking and not being honest.

The money, per Len, had to be split between post costs and at least a day of pickups. Len called it a miracle. If she had mismanaged the funds the 1st person who would've said "why wasn't this used for OT or staffing during production" would've been Len. Nobody is claiming the shoot was understaffed or that OT was

Please, Len said that half of the remaining momey

It's interesting how it's the editing now because this last episode proved Effie's point about Jason. But all before it wasn't "editing" that caused people to call Effie a bitch who should never work again in Hollywood.

This is my take, it's not "Jason's budget" it's the movie's budget. Jason was commissioned to do a film. Jason really doesn't get to decide how much is spent on stunts vs saved for close out costs. The executive producers (Effie being one) do. They can't let the director just blow the entire budget. Jason doesn't get

Pyrrhic to whom? For Effie, dealing with certain types is par for the course in the industry. She's won the respect of those who see what she had to deal with. those who don't? Well they're likely not the type she wants to work with anyway. There's been this implication that she will need these people and this hope

Of course there was an allocation for pickups, thats why the money was there. Do you think she just was saying no just because? smart producers know directors will almost always have to go back & fix. Risk mitigation on a project is like basic 101 stuff.

The point was Effie budgeted for work needed which was project closing costs and some pickups which Jason hadn't even considered. Had she not, there wouldn't have been money there for what was absolutely necessary (correcting major plot holes & character issues) NOT the stunt which clearly had no impact on the story