
Got it, I hadn't seen that interview.

I've read a few interviews from her. I didn't read where she called herself combative. Not saying you didn't. I did read where she said she shouldn't have let herself feel insecure and needing to justify herself and her experience (I.e. Mentioning how many films she's worked on). To her credit IMO because it's hard

She's on record saying that Matt & her never clicked. Perhaps they're both upset because they came off looking bad on this one. Its not Effie's fault that Damon said diversity is solved in casting…she didn't force those words in his mouth.

Home training is what was needed. Your mama teaches you not to look a gift horse in the mouth, nobody was there to raise a grown ass man.

"Maddeningly indirect". In what universe is "we're on a limited budget, there's not a lot of money and a very short timeline" maddeningly indirect? Its not that Jason didn't know what time it was, its that he just didn't care.

People crack me up. This guy was given 3 mil dollars and an opportunity most would kill for. And he struck out and now its fault of the show's concept? He squandered his opportunity, he provided a bad script, and he failed to execute. Its Jason's fault.

You clearly have no idea of what the word "tantrum" means. She was insulted, lied on to her face and she had had enough from a man who didn't want her around anyway. She did the work she was hired to do and as the HBO executive said "WORKED A MIRACLE" on that budget.

She did do her job, she was involved in every aspect of closing out that film except the reshoots where Jason didn't want her anyway. She's damned if she does or doesn't. Had she been there reminding him of the things he needed to do then she'd have been interfering.

Its not her job to figure out his mode of communication as well as run everything else. She was pretty clear with Jason most times. Its not rocket science that when someone says "I have money in the budget for pickups" that doesn't mean you get to reshoot every frame you think is bad. She didnt tell him "we can do it

She didn't piss off half the people. She pissed off Jason who is a brat and one of the Farley bros. Everybody else knew she was doing her job and doing it well. Had she not been doing so she would've been fired.