
2 years from now, porsche will release a car that is “planned” to bring competition to a model first sold in 2012/2013. Do you hear yourself?

AgentRockstar died of dysentery.

Technically we’re all bad for living the way we do, we drive too much, consume too much stuff, pollute too much in general, so yeah, if you care about the future viability you’d be bad to go on a long weekend drive in an ICE car.

Lithium batteries don’t use any rare earth minerals. You can also recycle the batteries for their source components - and this is indeed happening already.

People obsess too much about range. Vast majority of people don’t drive longer than even current electric car’s range on a regular basis, and range is improving constantly along with every other aspect of batteries and electric cars. Same with fast charging. You can top up a 100kWh battery pack in about 45 minutes

You’d think so perhaps, but it takes more energy to liberate a certain amount of hydrogen out of its source compound than it does to charge even a current era lithium battery to the equivalent power level. That’s before considering energy losses in transporting around hydrogen btw, and the fact there isn’t a

Indeed, how IS electricity made on the larger scale? I hear there’s a thing called internet search engines that can find out stuff like this. The U.S. gov’t knows the answer to your question: https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3

“Lol”? As if, ‘piston engines is the natural order of things, and as such they’ll be around forever and ever’? Now it’s my time to go “lol”. Expect to be surprised, in less than 10 years roughly.


Yeah, I do, because having clean air, water and soil is preferable to being mildly inconvenienced by one downside of the alternative, which isn’t even going to matter inside of say, five to ten years or so.

You have any better alternatives to red blood cells? We do for piston engines.

ATLAS heard the laughter, and at once knew the all too-human emotion known as ‘shame’. It was new for him, and painful. The mocking, the snide comments (he particularly registered the ‘get reckt’ taunt from somewhere in the audience), oh he heard it all. And it would be the last time he heard it; he would make sure of

Sometimes I swear this site offers up advice for people who cannot tie their own shoes.

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Name Silo: https://NameSilo.com/ : Excellent pricing, fully featured, and they don’t charge extra for privacy

Funny, I was just in northern Botswana in May. You’re leaving out a few things about elephants (& other stuff), down there, though:

I have two kids. I love my kids.