
From what I can tell reading the study, it’s fires in general whether that’s from “spontaneously combusting” or from an accident. ICE vehicles also “spontaneously combust” (usually leaking gas and electrical hazards) and you can find many articles about vehicles in garages catching fire or just searching YouTube for

I understand why this makes the news, but it should be noted that EV’s are still far far less likely to have a fire vs. ICE or hybrid cars. Just to put a little perspective on it:

ICE: 1520.9 fires per 100,000 sales (1.5%)
Hybrid: 3474.5 per 100,000 sales (3.5%)
EV: 25.1 per 100,000 sales (0.02%)

Those numbers are from a

Now THIS is good Jalopnik! Please chief editor > MORE OF THIS!

Wait...so the hack is that instead of taking an hour or two to sort scroll through the roll you drag it out over the course of a year? I take a chore that I’ve been putting off because it is such a chore and turn it into an actual daily chore?

Biden had nothings to do with the lowered gas prices. They are still higher than Nov 2020 based on his energy policy incompetence.

I think the correct order is actually 2, 3, and then 1

Prices were very low during the height of a world pandemic? Shocking.

*Amber Heard has entered the chat*

I finished the show, and it was awesome. Whatever flaws it had, I felt the good outweighed the bad. And I think some of the flaws this season was due to production with covid. I mean the storyline is fun and cheese on a pro wrestling level. The feuds, the characters switching back and forth on being good and bad. It

I am a scientist who’s lived with a septic system most of my life (currently in my 7th decade). Please cite a reliable source for the statement that citric acid, in the amounts needed to clean hard water deposits off plumbing fixtures, is harmful to septic system function. Otherwise, I think you are just copying from

1. Stranger Things


I watched it so you don’t have to:

1) Being cold doesn’t make you catch cold, nor does going out with wet hair, but being cold has been linked to weakening you immune system and making you more susceptible to illness

2) There’s not scientific backing for the “Five Second Rule”, but you’re still probably okay if your

At In-n-Out, a double-double combo is $7.60. So much better than anything else mentioned here. Be sure to ask for the fries well done.

My “$5 Goto Meal“ is McD.

The Quake Test that was released prior to the game was multiplayer only. It was voted best game of all times by a UK gaming magazine. Asked why they’d do that and vote a TEST version as best game ever, they said: Even if the full release is garbage, they can keep playing the multiplayer test forever, and it is the

I blame every single one of you people for not buying a Mini. I love my 12 mini, why do phones need to be bigger than this?! It’s perfect. And you all killed it because “I nEeD tHe LaTeSt GrEaTeSt BiGgEsT PhOnE tO sNaP mY fOlLoWeRs AbOuT hOw BlEsSeD i Am!”

I don’t feel like crushing up the broken glass small enough to drop into my bottle of used oil.

Maybe they’re actually a cat, and can’t resist anything “pspspspspn” related

Always a thrill to see an article about the Ridley Scott Superbowl commercial.