
Yes, your other computers would need to have ports accessible via their public ip addresses.

Seems like syncing requires a query to a tracker on bittorrent.org to get ip information for the rest of your peers. Perhaps your work is blocking that specific domain like my work was doing. There is an option to specify a direct ip address and port to sync to/from which would help you avoid having to use a blocked

Much like Feddit, StackExchange has sub-communities devoted to particular topics from bicycles to beer. Unlike Reddit, however, it's specifically centered around asking and answering questions (as opposed to sharing news or funny pictures). The sub-sections also aren't user-created, so there aren't quite as many as

Just a word of advice on those rubber squeeze tube things. I'm not sure where my wife got ours, probably from some big box container store or homegoods or what have you, but we got one. Anyway, we put baby lotion in one, took it on a trip. The tube made the lotion smell like a latex glove. It was quite unpleasant. We

Casting my vote for "No" — I do not use any 3rd party keyboards. The stock one has worked fine for me all this time.

I learned some insightful observations from a friend of mine who is a life coach (among many other jobs). Back in 2002, I was an on-site computer fix-it person (among many other jobs). I was ALWAYS late. He observed that my late-ness was a passive aggressive way of showing that Time did not control me; that -I-

You probably are listed in the Adobe breach. The site in red is the one that they're saying you're pwnd in.

From the Camera Roll, you can select a bunch of photos, then do "copy" ... then open your new email message yourself and "paste" the photos in. That'll get you around the photo limit.

Also useful are the free contact lens cases you get when you buy Alcon Opti-Free contact lens solution from costco. If you feel the need to _actually_ replace your contact lens case every time you use a new bottle of solution, then repurpose the old case instead of throwing it away. Also good for holding small screws

There is someone at my workplace who sleeps in a restroom stall. Its been going on for years, but I have no desire to figure out who it is. If they need sleep that badly, they must have a busy home or after-work life, either by or not-by choice. I just try to remember that everyone has their story, trials and

Upvote for full screen Waze!!

Any Vancouver, BC folks around? I will be in Vancouver next week for 5 days and was wondering if anyone has suggestions on getting my phone internet access while on the go. I've considered just relying on free wifi in the hotel and cafes, but it sure would be nice to be able to look up a google map while on the road.

I've read your points, but still disagree with your assessment. I'd like to take some time to write down some of my thoughts when I get a chance later today.

From reading your other comments on other posts, I deduced you're well educated, well traveled, open minded and a person I would love to talk to and discuss things. Even about random things like the floaters, which I, too, have had since I can remember.

I have a 180 degree opposite opinion from what you just said. With understanding comes acceptance. I hope someday you can shed the crippling desire to fit in or be "like everyone else" and realize that the cultural-melting-pot metaphor was poorly designed and instead think of the US as more like a bowl of Skittles

If there is such a thing as being ethnic elitist, your comment impresses that upon me. "I am ethnicity X, but know a lot about culture Y because I am so well traveled and connected." You're taking the this post's suggestion the wrong way. It's a way to build more understanding between cultures, people and make deeper

Ok, as one of those "ethnic" friends, seriously, DO this. I love the opportunity to introduce more authentic foods to not-the-same-culture friends/relatives/strangers. You're getting the wrong message thinking that you're being invited to stoke someone else's ego.

Richard, can I trade my friends and family with yours? Roman chariots, handmade dolls, and built-to-spec desks is hard to beat. Love your workspace! Where did you get the lamp that lights your dictionary?

I read this in the voice of Edward Norton in Fight Club. Such a satisfying read.