No..... LOVE will thaw a frozen hea... Oh wait, we're talking about food. Apologies... Carry on!
No..... LOVE will thaw a frozen hea... Oh wait, we're talking about food. Apologies... Carry on!
I've started skipping news articles with questions as their headlines. The ones I've been trolled into reading never answer the question. When I'm reading news, I'm looking for a statement, facts, and a conclusion. Perfect example: "Why do more people like strawberry over feces flavor?" and by the end of the article,…
I guess you could say, "This post is NSFW" ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐□-□ (⌐□_□).
Wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors, Adam! Where has the time gone? I just assumed all the awesome people would stay around here forever and ever. Your movie idea sounds awesome; go get 'em!
The un-observant on ramp mergers are bad too... the ones that seem unable to adjust their speed for a smooth merge. Or worse are the cell phone on ramp mergers, who probably would have the skill to adjust their speed properly, if only they weren't paying more attention to their phone.
Instructions unclear; shook bottle of Ginger Ale. Got [some nsfw description] in power outlet instead.
We paid $2500 to have our cabinets lacquered in white. They were light tan color before. There is a lot of labor involved, but the result was fantastic. The sanding and lacquering quality was top notch since they were professionals. So, if you've got plenty of time but not much money, the DIY route is for you. If you…
I used to never shut down my computer. It's a habit left over from the 90's when 1) I never wanted to miss a single ICQ or AIM instant message and 2) Windows took forever and a day to boot up and 3) when using the standby button your computer only woke up from its coma one out of every 2 times.
To the people wanting an HTML version, the owner of the site replied to my email and informed me that someone has done this. You can find it here: It's fantastic!!
If someone hasn't done it by Friday, I'll give it a shot!
And damn you, too, mister or missus who makes lemonade out of lemons, person! Ok, that's a neat idea actually. Duly noted!
Considering my body is already being TRICKED into waking up an hour earlier than it's used to already, I may have to wait until next month to try this out. #damnyoudaylightsavingtime.
There is a screenshot in the gallery on the source article at The Verge...
I believe our best course of action is this shoebox!
I agree with the gender-to-gender differences you're pointing out. I'm oversimplifying this, but yes, when the "Why did you X?" question comes from another man, I honestly do take it as a, "Hey bro, how you do that trick? Teach me." Whereas coming from the missus, it (usually) leads to a judge/jury/execution of how I…
That's interesting about the tone argument. But it's not just tone, but also how you phrase something... here's an example:
I often remind people to mind their demeanor: "It's not what you say, it's how you say it." If you need to express something, don't put the other person on the defensive from the start. Ease into it, try phrasing things without such sharp points.
My friends were burglarized, and the thieves actually used their pillowcases as sacks to stash the stuff they were stealing. At first my friends didn't understand why their pillows were uncased, sitting on the floor of their bedroom and the investigators explained the reason to them. Insightful.