
Ain't this the truth! I invented the GoGoStand, patented it, sold a bunch for a few years, then Incipio ripped off my idea and started packaging a rip-off version of my GoGoStands in with their iPhone cases. Had my attorney contact them, but they refused to negotiate any licensing agreements. My next step would have

I agree with everything you said. Especially how you perceive the value of your free time and how you spend it after having kids. Being able to watch 1 episode of Breaking Bad while on the elliptical is an example luxurious use of said free time.

Yes, that is quite nifty indeed. Although she wasn't trying very hard with the other methods. Good point though, if it were my wife, based on brute force (or lack thereof), the only practical option for her would be the headrest method as demoed in the video. I'd still try to brute force it out of panic, then lay down

The headrests in my car are nearly impossible to remove under normal conditions. I think if I had nothing else, I would try using my seat belt buckle. I'd wrap my arm in something, a jacket, socks for my hand maybe? Then beat that window with the pointy part of the belt buckle like there literally could be no tomorrow

You sold me at step 8. Bravo! :) I'll give the reverse sear a try next time.

I'll second your smartphone vote. I've bought 50 Kindle eBooks and I read every single one of them on my iPhone(iPhone[s], been doing this for years). I just finished book 5 of Game of Thrones most recently, and blew through most of Tracy Hickman's dragon books last year.

This brings up an issue that I often face when someone finds out that I've been coding databases and websites since the year 2000. "Oh! You make websites? Hey, can you help me make my website? I want to do x, y, z." ... My answer to them, often times, is:

If only...

Shoulder surfing someone's 4-digit passcode or pattern swipe while standing in line at Costco is even easier. I see no _practical_ reason why we shouldn't use the sensor to unlock your phone.

Our Maytag stainless steel fridge also looks like a bunch of two year olds have been trying to open it. And it's because... wait for it... a bunch of two year olds have been trying to open it.

I just picked up a pair of Sennheiser 428s at a resale shop for $10. One of the plastic guards had broken off so one side was no longer able to maintain its extension position. I literally drilled a small hole through the headband and used a little screw to permanently set the headband extension. Quite proud of

Playing Doom brought me to lan parties, which encouraged me to build my own computers, which led me to case modding, which, upon mentioning during job interviews, set me apart from the rest of the applicants, getting me hired for the jobs i applied for. I'm a web application programmer. Doom had a major part of where

By reading between the lines, you are in the "freezing" camp, amiright? :)

I have mastered the technique of movie-watching-laser-focus. When we got Disney's Tangled for the kids and I was watching it for the first time, my kids were asking me questions and I was oblivious. Until my wife said, "Hey! Your daughter's been asking you the same question 10 times, did you hear her?" ... Me: "No.

I went back to the "old" maps because the new maps took too long to load and was generally laggy overall.

Back in iOS5, enabling triple-click slowed down iphone wake-up. Not sure if this is the case today on iOS6/7, but if you do notice your lock screen waking up slower, this is probably the culprit.

I was perusing the screenshots in the app store, and the most disliked album screenshot is funny :)

The only animation I want to reduce is the fading-in effect when I wake up my phone to look at the time. I don't need a dramatic production sequence for it to tell me it's <strikeout>10:59 AM</strikeout> 11:00 AM.