
THIS. THIS, so much, THIS. I was just talking with the Wife the other day about this. Back in the stone-ages (aka, 4 years and 2 kids ago, aka B.C. - Before Children), it always seemed like I never had enough time to get the Important (tm) things done. But now, having kids, a family, and literally, only 1.5 hours of

Is it possible that you are set in "do not disturb" mode in Settings? If you're not happy with ios7, you can downgrade yourself. Just google DFU itunes restore

Baby socks suggestion is a great one, because it triggers the thought process on "What else can I use baby socks to store?" —- Toddler socks can become an iPhone sleeve, or maybe full grown socks to store laptop chargers.

My bartender's friend's half-sister's niece made a gazillion dollars with just a laptop and staying at home.

Just to be clear, I was in no way complaining about this issue. All of us should have been mentally prepared for catastrophic failure. After all, we're running something we shouldn't be running :) It's not the end of the world for me. I wasn't backing up to iCloud, so my phone is essentially a brand new phone until I

Those of you on WINDOWS, you won't be able to restore anything to your iOS7-upgraded iPhone, so you'll be forced to restore from iCloud or set up as new phone. This is the message I got after step 4 above:

Darya: I just read your entire diet-history and was captivated. Thanks for the tips, and I'll definitely be perusing the site for tips. Both the missus and I are always "making up" for our dieting "transgressions" when eating out. We're not obese, but always dieting, or at least struggling to eat less all the time.

My family shares our iPad 1 daily, throughout the day. Every day. Kids (2 and 4) browse (fight over it) youtube on it between 6:45am-7:30am while I get ready for work and the missus snoozes a bit in bed. When I leave for work, and she gets up, she trumps kids and assumes ownership of our iPad to check facebook while

I once left a box of dryer sheets in the car after forgetting to bring them in after a trip to Target. My car smelled so nice the next day!

I collect binder clips. But I have a strict rule to the collection.. I can only have 4 at a time. When one gets used, I go on a quest to restock. I don't consider this OCD, but I'm not sure what to call this condition.

Looks like on page 51, they suggest proposed branches, with a San Bernadino to Las Vegas branch as one of those suggestions.

They could build a test Hyperloop between LA and Las Vegas and get casino buy-in. It's a shorter distance compared to LA-SF, plus it's more rural so they wouldn't have as difficult of a time with land rights.

I have a few pairs of stainless surgical scissors that we started packing with our kids' dining utensils (multiple pairs are great when you forget to wash the pair from last night's dinner). The scissors make it way easier and faster to cut food into kid-sized bites. Anyway, I eventually started using the scissors to

My moving advice to you is to standardize on your boxes. If you have the money to spend right now, you'll save yourself lots of headache later. How? Get a bunch of these Staples office storage boxes http://www.staples.com/Staples-Econom… ... You get 10 boxes for $16.50, and maybe you can get it cheaper with coupons.

All you people complaining about not being able to bring in a water bottle to a movie theater need to just suck it up. It's, at most, a 3 hour movie. You can go 3 hours without a drink of water if you don't want to pay their concession prices. Worried about dehydration while watching a movie in a nice,

VOTE: Crashplan (Edit: wanted to mention that I love getting crashplan's backup status emails. I never have any problems with the software on my computer, and it's always nice to get notification that they know just how completely backed up my computers are from one, simple, weekly email report.)

At the Irvine store, as you walk in, head toward the back, 2nd or 3rd aisle from the right of the store. They sell them a-la carte, so you assemble your ideal bento configuration at $1.50 each container.

If any of you are in Southern California, you can get a big variety of those cool/cute/hip bento boxes at a Japanese $1.50 store called Daiso Japan. They also sell insulated bags, too. I'll let you guess the price :)