
FANTASTIC ARTICLE! Thank you for quantifying the feel-good-feeling into a dollar amount. There's no doubt that reusing rechargeable and keeping non-rechargeables out of our waste systems is a great thing to do, but we all know that many people (hopefully not most?) favor convenience and cost factors over environmental

Klipsch Image One (bought Apr 2012) connected to a Hot Audio USB DAC 1 (bought May 2008). And a unicorn (because, unicorn). I am very happy with my audio setup!

Hanging is fine if you 1. Don't have the space and 2. Don't care about looks. But what I use at home is a very simple, small-footprint wooden dish rack. Why wooden? Because I don't like the hear the screeching of metal across the counter when I slide it around. I use it only to dry and store pot lids and cutting

You are right to say that "addiction" is too strong of a word in this case, but I understand what you are getting at. I would compare this to the same compulsive behavior we used to hear about people being "addicted" to the Internet causing the advent of Internet addiction rehab camps. For the author, though, it

I respectfully disagree with all the reasons cited except for the monetary considerations. "Being forced" to do something one way or not being able to look something up online is more of an inconvenience to me than it is a way to get me to "connect" to the real world. Choosing when and how to connect to the real

Besides The Beatles and Big Band Music from the 30s/40s/50s, I've always preferred female vocals. I ain't too proud to admit it either! I currently have this album on repeat:

I am happy with my iPhone and would buy it over again if I broke/lost it. I am happy with the built in mail and browser, photos and camera roll. Being able to set a different default would be nice, but is in no way a deal breaker for me.

I've been wondering why home alarm companies haven't started configuring/selling/marketing home key fobs. Like how we lock our cars... Why can't we lock our front door and arm the home alarm the same way we do with our car keys? I started researching how to cobble together some set, but I just don't have the time to

I voted for the otterbox defender for its practicality. I normally don't use a case, but when I do need one, I use the defender. (cue most interesting man in world meme). But if money were no object, especially to someone like me who doesn't use a case all the time, I'd definitely go for the Lunatik Taktik Extreme.

The battery meter turns green when there is hot liquid in it. I got this from thinkgeek!

Neither of our children have tantrums at the store. Why? Because we never make a big deal when we buy something that's for the kid. I think lots of parents want to be hero-of-the-hour when it comes time to buy a big ticket item (a game console system, new bicycle, new shoes, etc.). They really milk it, "oh boy! Let's

Thanks, good advice! I will give tweaking my salting timing a try and see how I like the result. If the result is a juicier steak, I'm all for that. I don't have any issues with dryness of my steaks right now, but I'm open to trying out new methods.

Yeah, i know it sounds counter intuitive, but it was a trick my boss taught to me back at my first job in 1998. You don't have to get Folgers. For my case, I have a canister of instant coffee crystals I got from a Japanese supermarket. Random, I know.

that's a cool idea. Similar to some cooking sites like http://www.supercook.com/ where you tell the site what ingredients you have at home right now.

buy some instant coffee like folgers and add a few sprinkles of it into your free coffee. Gives your free coffee more "kick" / flavor.

I, too, prefer to skillet room-temperatured prime rib cuts (from Costco). I'll room-temp it for the same time — about 20 to 30 minutes before cooking with a pat of butter and chopped garlic on a stainless cuisinart skillet. Funny story this skillet — we have some nice le creuset cast iron skillets that my wife

I almost didn't see your reply! Yes, the code is in the photo. Hope you get some benefit out of it!

One big, enthusiastic vote for OpenELEC http://www.openelec.tv/ (which is a usb-booting XBMC install. i.e.: You don't need Windows installed and don't need to know anything about linux). I used Windows Media Center with a WMC IR Remote for 2 years, until last month when the power supply in my HTPC died and took out

So a man walks into a psychologists office wrapped in nothing but plastic food saver wrap (saran wrap). The phychologist says to the patient, "I can clearly see your nuts."

My product is the GoGoStand, and I made business card versions of them to give to random strangers.