
Another tip to mention is to upload the best-quality video you have available. YouTube will take your super hi-res video and create the other resolution versions (720p, 480p, 360p, 240p) for you. This means you can directly upload that 720p .MOV iPhone or Panasonic Lumix video directly from your device without having

Thanks! Like someone else said, it looks like the copy-as-path works on multiple selections too. Perfect for quickly gathering a list of "files of interest" for us programmers who work with other programmers all day long.

what's your most used non-default-installed-with-phone mobile productivity app? (ie, you can't say email or browser).

Depending on the age of your desktop computer, you're often better off buying a new motherboard, cpu, ram and case. Big-brand computers often have proprietary cooling configurations that make it difficult to just "drop-in" a new motherboard/cpu. If you have to buy a new board for your new cpu, chances are you are

my iPhone 4 is slower than my wife's when opening the camera app. I've tried updating to the latest firmware but no improvement. I had 1500 items in my camera roll. I reduced it down to 500 but it's still slower than hers and she's got about 500 items i her camera roll too. Could this be related to SSD Trim? It takes

The same guy that predicted this May 21st rapture, also predicted the rapture as September 4th (or 6th) 1994. When it didn't happen, he said he had made a mathematical error, which is how we have this new, revised May 21st 2011 Rapture date. Math is tricky.

It's not just so I don't have to hear the hard drives. It's so I don't lose my programming rhythm (if there is such a thing) to the 10-or-so seconds waking up from page file hibernation. Minding my number of open apps is a small price to pay for that benefit. I'm good at gauging my ram usage by looking at my taskbar

half drunken bottle of SunnyD. Looking at the ingredients: Water, Corn Syrup and 2% or less of each of the following: [list of citrus fruits]. I am so dead.

The reason I went through the trouble of telling this tale is because of all the "theories" surrounding paging use. I just wanted to present a real world example.

I have the page file disabled on my Win7 machines both at home and at work. At home, I run an Intel 160GB G2 SSD on 8GB of RAM and I never worry about RAM there.

Agreed. I used the shortcut for a while on my old iPhone 3G, but eventually my typing speed improved to the point where just typing out the alternative extension was faster than waiting for the popup.

Top priority on your must-buy list of gadgets is a night-vision-capable video baby monitor. You can get one at bru for about $180 on sale.

ARG. Mistake! I made a pretty bad typo on my 2nd to last sentence.... I said, "...you cant tell it which ..." when I should have typed CAN (not cant). You CAN specify different camera and microphones. So you use the webcam for video and choose your usb mic for audio.

We are a webcam-heavy family. My wife's family is overseas and she webcams with her mother and sister nearly every day. I will tell you that the absolute #1, beyond any doubt, most important thing about webcamming is AUDIO QUALITY. A $20 laptop mic just will NOT cut it!!!

the glasses did it for me.

Thanks for the tip. Turned out to be $40 and then a $5 discount, and a $10 rebate on top of that! (assuming I remember to send in the form and actually get the rebate). Still, even without rebate, $35 is amazing. As they say on SD. in 4 1; thanks OP. Cheers!

hi Natael,

Do they have email set up yet? Google Apps Premium is $50/year/user for your own domain. In fact, if your startup is less than 10 users, you can even do Google Apps Standard for your domain for free. Never have to deal with Exchange again! As a die-hard Exchange admin since Exchange 5.5 since 1998 until Exchange 2003

Hi There,