me too.
me too.
Nice :) Great minds think alike!
My own setup:
The biggest thing that I love about kindle on iOS is that I can leave the iPad at home, pick up at the furthest point on any device, iPad, iPad2, iPhone, etc and resume reading since kindle keeps track of my furthest location in the book. Also, I've often finished book "2" of X around 11pm and really want to at least…
Some FujiFilm cameras have this new "feature" that's a Facial Skin Smoothing Function. See here: [] ... My sister in law has this camera and apparently so do some of my facebook friends. The smoothing function RUINS the pictures and makes everyone (babies included) look like wax figures from Madame…
What would happen if everyone switched to this method? Salad bars would go extinct. Is that what you want? Is it? Is it? Lucky I prefer baby spinach over iceberg and romaine, but I'm not going to double up on balsamic just to improve my price per pound ratio.
What would happen if everyone switched to this method? Salad bars would go extinct. Is that what you want? Is it? Is it? Lucky I prefer baby spinach over iceberg and romaine, but I'm not going to double up on balsamic just to improve my price per pound ratio.
What would happen if everyone switched to this method? Salad bars would go extinct. Is that what you want? Is it? Is it?
a gogostand can do that too.
but does it have electrolytes?
Seth Godin is full of purple cow sh*t. Squidoo isn't dead; it never lived. The old company I worked for hired a "consultant" that regurgitated his BS. That company is no longer is business, thanks to a series of bad decisions. I have emails I saved that this guy wrote. Here's a line from one of his best:
My friend, you just experienced the Chuck Norris effect through your computer screen.
This does not bode well, especially for developers who have developed their webapps using html caching to speed up their apps. Furthermore, with all the new iPad 2s flooding the internet with a default installation of 4.3, even if Apple comes out with a new 4.3.x to resolve the issue, just how many of those millions…
This could be the app I'm looking to develop. I've been wanting to write an app but haven't had any ideas. Would you be interested in playing a consulting role?
This is great! I also recommend raw garlic to spice things up a bit.
Actually, I think you'd be within your terms of service if you were just storing pictures up there. If you're hosted on an ASP.NET platform, there is a way to protect an entire directory with a web.config file and then require login via a login form. In fact, I have some super-simple, not-all-that-secure code that…
Actually I want the notifications, and I want to click on them, I want to see which updates were installed and read about them. About clicking while it's fading out, for some reason, on my laptop, desktop, work machine and also on my hosted server, the notifications don't go through any fade effect, they just…
WINDOWS TASKBAR NOTIFICATIONS!!! The caption/bubble kind in your system tray.
While making a working mock-up for a user interface, we didn't have navigation buttons drawn yet. So I went onto Google Images and used some unicorn silhouettes as placeholder images. It motivated me to wire up the click events since I wanted it to actually do something when you clicked on the magnificent creatures.