we use this coat rack from ikea for the very same purpose: [www.ikea.com] ... you can hang jeans by their belt loops, hoodies by their, well, hoodie part.
we use this coat rack from ikea for the very same purpose: [www.ikea.com] ... you can hang jeans by their belt loops, hoodies by their, well, hoodie part.
The baby was only "traumatized" because the mom blew it way out of proportion!! If this happened to my daughter, I would have played it cool in front of our daughter as we took her down to tell her that it's time to take a break, give her some crackers and a book. Then politely ask for a word with the flight…
I used to work quite a bit in photoshop (CS1) back in 2003 when I did both layout and development work at the smaller startup I worked at. But then I changed jobs and now I've been focused on development for the past 5 years. They just upgraded my CS1 to CS5 on my work pc, and, quite frankly, i'm scared outta my…
I just wanted to revisit the wonderful feeling that the Intel SSD upgrade that I did last year on my home laptop has still been the best performance upgrade I've ever had the pleasure to be pleased about since, well, forever. Granted, an 8GB ram upgrade is nice, too, but that's more of a capability increase in my…
Interestingly, I've enacted a "soft boycott" on gawker by making Engadget my first stop during morning coffee and then, if time permits, I'll head over to gizmodo. So while I'm not quitting gizmodo cold turkey, I am moving them to 2nd place. As far as LH goes, they are still my #1. LH's post quality (in my opinion)…
I have very-wide-aspect posters of beach/ocean views taped along my cube. People call me cube the travel agency. But I think it helps keep me cheery. We don't have any windows in our room 8 cubes. It must have been a big file room at one point.
I was about to slap on a quick and easy tl;dr but then started skimming through it. Still made no sense to me. So I scrolled back up and started over again. After the 2nd try, here I am, none-the-wiser.
How you were able to spin this into an Android vs. Desktop OS argument? I would have expected an Android Marketplace vs. App Store rant and just scrolled right past, but phone vs. desktop?
there's another citrus i love... yuzu [en.wikipedia.org] ... they serve yuzu juice called "SkyTime" on Japan Airlines flights and it's good!
Whitson: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! I had just asked about this in the openthread last Friday and was trying out each suggestion. CameraSync sounds just like what I'm looking for. The reason I'm so lazy about plugging in my iPhone is because my iPhone sync cable isn't always handy since usb ports on my laptop…
iPhone question... Unjailbroken. Is there a way to sync all the photos on my camera roll onto some online place either via ftp or whatever upload? Please, only personal experiences. I've already Googled and tried a few apps ($1.99 here, $2.99 there...) that didn't work like i wanted. The few apps I tried wanted you to…
Ok, right, everyone, the clip rusts. Instead, squeeze your sponge dry and balance it horizontally across the top of the sink divider like it's on a tightrope. Alternatively, you can lean it diagonally against the back of the faucet/spout/splash tiles.
Hopefully they fix up the "reviews" search results. I often search for [productname] review and end up on some page that just lists the product name, a generic picture and text that reads "be the first to write a review!" I've learned to not click on certain domains over time, but always was a little annoyed that they…
I was thinking that too...
this is great.
All you haters keep this in mind. Not getting an invite to any more apple events... a small price to pay for breaking the original iphone 4 story. Somebody had to do it, so quit gloating when giz doesn't get invited to apple events.
This is a great macgyver tip for hotel rooms that only give you a coffee maker. The concept is quick, easy access to hot water. Nice!
@PrairieMoon: You could try putting a slathering of electrical tape over the main area where the buzzer sounds.