
@mricyfire: it has 2+ hours of battery life via a 12volt portable battery. see article.

@ursa: I'm with you on that one. I have a dlink DIR655 (no complaints with it, really) and I have it hidden behind books on a bookshelf with electrical tape taped over all the blinky LEDs. If I ever need to troubleshoot, I can easily peel back the electrical tape to see what's going on and put it back later. I don't

why's everyone being so defensive? You probably don't think Napoleon Dynamite is the funniest movie of all time, either. Keep on being defensive! Oh, and do chickens have large talons?

I'm Comic Sans... old, but good.

@Billy_McSkintos: Hi Billy, for *writing* files to WHS, I know that WHS "stages" files on the system partition (the main drive) before deciding what to do with them and writing them to their final destinations. During this time, it checks to see if the file already exists and whether or not it needs to be duplicated

the adobe ideas app smooths/rounds out strokes.

@shallnot: Hi there. I've tried the "Automatically expand folder" option. What that does is when you browse with the RIGHT panel that the left panel will automatically expand itself to "keep up" with you on the right side. So checking that checkbox doesn't help the issue. The problem is when you browse in the LEFT

@datdamonfoo: well, steps 1-5 are exactly how i use windows file explorer on a regular basis while navigating. In Windows XP, when double-clicking on the system32 folder one step 5 it would stay right where it was and the sub-folders would appear below it. When I double click on something, I don't expect it to move

@datdamonfoo: Here's how you can reproduce the issue. Follow my instructions exactly:

@pinecone99: Great tip! We have a plastic Q-tip box that we got from the travel section at Target, but I always wondered how I would replace that box if we should ever lose it. Re-buy another one or...? Now I know; M&Ms :)

There's just one thing that bugs me about Windows 7: File Explorer.

@tankman: Oh! I totally misread that sentence... they sued on september 2010 for the hack that happened in 10/2009. Got it.

There are 2 typos in this sentence:

@JSharke: I'll prefix my reply by saying, I wasn't an apple fan before, but gradually became one. I've owned all iphones. I still think I can remain objective...

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: ok, time for a heart click. annoying comments (but sometimes funny comments) aside, i never knew you were an Eva fan. That does it. *click*!!

this is going to be so epic.

glad this story has a happy ending :)

i wonder if it's some ingredient in fertilizer that causes this.

@Proteus Zero: When I moved from Texas to California, I drove my 50" in my Camry with the back seats folded down. Half of the tv was in the back seat, half in the trunk. Then I just covered it with a sleeping bag, and other miscellaneous light things like laundry baskets and empty wastebaskets. Movers moved the rest