@samsonsu: another vote for clashplan here. I've been using it for a few weeks and have tested a restore without any problems. Also +1 for Windows Home Server for hard drive image backups at home.
@samsonsu: another vote for clashplan here. I've been using it for a few weeks and have tested a restore without any problems. Also +1 for Windows Home Server for hard drive image backups at home.
thanks LH :) i'm gonna buy the songs for my daughter. she's only 4 months old, but mp3s don't go bad anyway. (i'm a cheap dad)... "don't say i ain't never done nothing for you, kid!"
Re: the Pain remark about Windows 7 RC1 upgrading.
@gt0163c: +1 for gt0163c :) I'm with you, man.
@InezEleius: Same here — we had a Sleep Number bed in a Radisson hotel in Sedona, AZ. It lost air in the middle of the night and I had to pump it up again. My in-laws thought it was funny. (yes, the 4 of us shared a room).
When do those 100 expire? If they expire in 1 year, you'd have to need them, on average, at least twice a week. I'm jealous of you, whoever you are, mister (or miss) active.
@TheOtherHalf: I second your comment. I think Tom Vu ( [en.wikipedia.org] ) said it best:
@stever: hehe! Nice one.
@undefined: You can also use CTRL-R to reload a page as well.
i have to be in the mood to make small talk in order to make small talk.
@wastedlife: I agree. Which is why I wonder why my parents didn't child proof our outlets. I won't be taking any chances though. Turns out my wife's parents didn't child proof their outlets either. I guess we both passed the Darwin test as kids. I won't put mine up to the test though.
@Eric Crist: I with you Eric. In my home we didn't have child proofed wall outlets. I wonder why i never got curious enough to try sticking a key or paper clip in there. But I never did. As a parent of a 2-month old though, I fully expect to child proof all our wall outlets as soon as she's able to crawl.
You all need to READ the article. BOTTOM of the stairs, they said. BOTTOM.
I believe the author was baby proofing the BOTTOM of the stairs. Meaning, they just wanted to keep the baby from climbing UP the stairs. Zip ties would be plenty fine for their needs. And yes, I would get the heavy duty ones too, mostly to make sure they last. At the bottom of stairs, if my kid was horsing around…
@catfewd: welp, best of luck to ya man! I'm perfectly happy with my iPhone.
When I saw that image with the penguins all over the map of the world, the first thing that I thought of was, "MINE?! MINE? MINE? MINE?... MINE? MINE??" —- from Finding Nemo. Yes, I know they're not seagulls, but the penguins in that image just have that MINE MINE MINE look.
@McWhammer: whoa!! That's a great idea. And yes; another, "why didn't I think of that?!" moment.
or you could do this [www.envador.com] ... ok that was a self-plug, but hey, it's relevant!!
@Condalmo: +1 to Condalmo for comment win. :)
@John Veldboom: I wouldn't recommend the power outlet timer aproach. You never want to forcefully power off a hard drive when it is in the middle of writing data to the disk. If windows happens to be updating indexes, or doing any number of pointless hard drive tasks on your drive just as your Christmas light timer…