
@rfjson: Your original comment echoes my sentiments. Sometimes. Usually when I'm in a foul mood on a Monday morning. I see these phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes type articles and say to myself, "who's this pep-talk for? me? the writer's? other not-as-underprivileged-as-they-think people?"

@cuiusquemodi: since the Mayans said the world will end in 2012, all this maximum time count is irrelevant!!

definitely committing this url to memory! Thanks LH!

We have a whole Ziploc bag full of the Alcon brand green and white contact lens cases because we get our contact solution at Costco and every box always comes with a free case. They are really good for traveling.

Santa Ana? Really?

I, for one, love the auto-correct feature on my iPhone. I do only type in English though.

@actaea: a simple, "it doesn't work well for me. this is broken; that isn't usable..." would have been enough. Maybe you're in a foul mood, but it doesn't warrant the name calling. The program is free. As in beer. There's no need for you to be so harsh.

@Adam Pash: Time for the Ban hammer. He's been first commenter on more than one occasion with the same message. (with or without vowels).

Thanks Jason, TRM is a cool util! Got it up and running. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but i can't figure out how to position the bar by dragging it around. Once it let me, but I don't know why... finally got it to let me drag it to where I want it on my 2ndary monitor so I'm not going to press my luck on that

@tamoriel: I wonder how much they pay per identified product.

...the one that "lets" you use...

@brodiemac: what the HECK is inside that bag?

Question for you win mobile flash users: For flash apps that utilize the mouse hover event — how does the interface handle that with a sylus? I'm curious because I already have some trouble on some sites in mobile safari because of this.

I've been using the Motion Picture Screensaver for years : [www.cs.ucr.edu] It's Mac screensaver for the rest of us.

Cool! I just installed it — this is something that would be great for collaboration meetings where you're discussion the layout for a new web page or document. The only issue I have with it right now is that it messes with the mouse sensitivity.

I use LC ISO Creator. It's never given me any problems.

Regarding iPhone/iPod Touch support... Their Help page discusses this topic here: [www.getsharepod.com]

VOTE: LogMeIn — been using it for years!