I don't have any trouble getting notes or anything else on my iphone. I have a special folder in my inbox that I file things to. From my desktop Outlook I just email myself and drop them into that folder.
I don't have any trouble getting notes or anything else on my iphone. I have a special folder in my inbox that I file things to. From my desktop Outlook I just email myself and drop them into that folder.
@whiskey: hear, hear! I second this comment.
@krn: please share that batch file!
If all you really need to do is keep an eye on a less-used exchange account, you can check out OWANotify. It's super light weight and is a new mail notification icon for your time tray. It pulls up Outlook Web Access windows as its interface. It's freeware made by yours truly! www.owanotify.com
Hey everyone! Thanks for the friendly comments! I thought my idea was "cool" but didn't think it'd be so well-received. This really made my day!
If you REALLY want go the IKEA route on the SUPER cheap, your first stop has got to be the AS-IS section of IKEA. Last time I was there, they had some returned legs for $5, and plenty of big wooden boards (like those used for doors/closets etc) to be repurposed as table tops. You could've gone home with enough parts…
@Ruud: I also use the MX510. I have one at home and one at work. It's great having the same mouse on all computers you use on a regular basis — this way you don't have to "switch modes" to get used to one mouse or the other. I also use the wireless laser version (MX1000? which I received as a gift) for our HTPC.
i wish you could see more comments on one page instead of having to hit next. +1 for laziness!
I'm still on Windows XP and I LIKE IT, gosh darnit.
That's such a happy picture.
Do the "alarms" come out of the laptop stereo speakers? What's to keep me from plugging in a set of earphones to shut it up?
what? you don't like the ad with the cartoon girl dancing with blinking text reading, "mortgage rates are at an all time low!!! click your state!!!"
Just tried it out... font is a little too big and makes it kind of difficult to read. You can't zoom in or out and the one entry i tried out (united states) was formatted kind of strangely. A wiki search bookmarklet is probably what I'll try next.
That setup places the laptop screen too far away. And if you did move the whole setup closer to the edge of the desk, it would look ... well, it would look like you put a laptop on top of a box. I tried to keep an open mind... Sorry, this just isn't going to work.
@mdlawmba: I bought a new pair of Kangaroos a few years ago (I think urban outfitters had a pair for around $30). It was like a flashback to the 80's. Totally radical.
@MeEducated: I second MeEducated's idea. Bandwidth isn't free, and wikipedia is already offering a free service. Why tax their servers and download the entire database?
@Posco Grubb: Edison Electric would never send me a letter today saying I missed February 2007's payment. They'd have done that by March 2007. Even so, you'd look at your bank history to confirm if they cashed your check (or if your e-payment went through).
I say "No" to the filing cabinet TOC idea. Just make sure you have your folders labeled and grouped appropriately. Also, take a moment to really think if something is worth filing. Credit card statements, bank statements, utility bills — when was the last time you actually NEEDED to look at February 2007's power…
10-4. Roger that. Over and out.
I use www.logmein.com ... there isn't a file transfer option for my free account, but depending on what kind of files i need to get from one system to another, i do the lazy way and .zip them up and email them to myself via Outlook Web Access. Logmein doesn't require any router ports explicitly opened.