
I agree... it's unsightly. I usually put those cards away so i *don't* have to look at them!

I have a HP DV6500 from costco. I was able to ebay a caddy (about $10 before shipping) that lets me put a spare PATA hard drive in the slot where the dvd drive goes. Then I ordered another caddy (also about $10) that turns my laptop dvd drive into an external usb drive. The 2nd copies files between my main drive tons

Arg... sorry, wrong article. I meant to comment on this one... [lifehacker.com]

I have a HP DV6500 from costco. I was able to ebay a caddy (about $10 before shipping) that lets me put a spare PATA hard drive in the slot where the dvd drive goes. Then I ordered another caddy (also about $10) that turns my laptop dvd drive into an external usb drive. The 2nd copies files between my main drive tons

@0zSpitt: Maybe you could meet them halfway and charge them a different hourly rate for drive time?

I guess this is a good place to bring this up...

Thanks for looking out for us, Gina.

@guyfromtrinidad: I normally add relevant comments. Please don't get mad, I couldn't resist!

Besides twisting his hand from horizontal to vertical to act as a turn signal (which the author mentions), He could also alternate his hand from fist to open palm. The arrow would be always visible and the reflectors on his fingers would be like cartoon "light glow lines" (for lack of a better term). Totally cool but

Thanks Kevin, great idea!

@TheWraithL98: I totally agree what what TheWraithL98 is saying. Hypermiling is selfish!!!

We canceled our cable tv service. We had the whole shebang... dvr, hd, movies etc and it was costing us $90/month for the whole thing. On top of that we have a blockbuster subscription too. We weren't really watching cable tv anyway and our favorite primetime shows are all available online at their respective tv

Awesome idea!

Typography errors don't bug me at all. When have we ever been able to type these into web forms like this comment box? Never!

For those of you who are surprised to discover that this requires a wifi connection for the Touch: An enthusiastic pat on the back to you, Einsteins!

One way would be to try accumulating less stuff. Resist the urge to buy it if it's something that'll end up in your "Maybe Box" anyway.

One I used to do was replace the user's OS with Windows RG:

Just reading the "winners" list is making me hungry!