
Predator again

It is impossible to explain, to the way too many people who aren’t watching, the kind of emotional impact something like solving a video game can have on this show. There is nothing else like it.

This site looks like it belongs in 2006.

The guy’s pearl-clutching was the best part! “Wow, foul language!” Gasp, shock and awe, let me get you a fainting-couch, bro. He had absolutely no comeback.

I’d be proud as hell of my kid for this.

Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

It’s not funny, at all, but it is a vivid demonstration of how broken our justice system is. If Juan Catalan were named John Catalina-Wine-Mixer, he wouldn’t need the amazing luck of being incidentally filmed for an HBO comedy to clear his name from baseless charges, he’d have the built-in luck of his name.

If a consequence of the Kinja-ing is more longform articles from Sean then maybe we’ll survive it

It’s in the HEADLINE, which is visible even from the main page.  Should I just not go on the site before I catch up on all my shows?

When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”

AV Club getting added onto the header with Jezebal, Deadspin, etc., may bring some new people to these comment sections. Let’s all just keep in mind, we’re not trapped in here with Gawker, Gawker is trapped in here with us.

I’m sure they will treat all these recent horrible and complex tragedies with the respect and historical fidelity that they deserve. Edit- recent in that the survivors are still alive.


That man is a box of awesome!

And for those with no taste.

The starting position is much more comfortable.