
I still find it very odd when he pops in something that’s not Mr. Show or CBB related. He played a cop in this episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm I just watched and it totally caught me off guard.

Boy I hope this works out for the comments. The comments are ingrained into the site’s culture and existence; without it, it loses a lot of it’s soul. Here’s hoping.

It's great because Wild Strawberries also deals with coming to terms with the past and the power that memories have over a person/how they view themselves. Legion is taking a little more, uh, exciting approach, but it's still there!

I'm amazed at how consistent the tone and visual style are in this show. Even though this is only episode three, the cinematography, sound design, and editing have all been top notch. All of it is not just good, it serves the plot and the characters like great cinematography/sound/editing should. Beautiful stuff! I

Glad to see they are swinging for the fences for the season opener. That quick cut when Charlie got shot was honestly shocking. For a long running show like this to legitimately surprise takes some serious guts and good writing. Great episode! I'm pretty damn hopeful for this season to be a great one.

I love it when this show goes dark with its comedy. Tandy throwing the body behind the house with garbage bags got me good. 100% my type of humor. I wish they'd go that route more often, but being it's on a network channel, it's kinda understandable why they don't.

I can totally see Mel Rodriguez pull off a very sincere "I'm real sorry, guys…"

I really hope he keeps doing more comedy roles. His roles in Kimmy Schmidt and Wet Hot American Summer are great.

Glad to see the show back in top form. It's pretty crazy how much the show has improved from the first season. That Jon Hamm bit was great! Really hope they keep having random celebrities in season premieres to kill off in a few seconds.

Pop-culture consumed this weekend: The Americans, The Americans, and more The Americans. Jesus this show is so good. So so good. It has everything that I want. 80s, Cold War, spy stuff. It's like it was made just for me. I just started Season 3; looking forward to finally catching up to the new season, they are

I love how the first words of the season are Bob Odenkirk yelling "God Dammit!" If that isn't perfect then I don't know what is.

I found some Space Ghost Coast to Coast DVDs for a reasonable price, so I'm going through them. I'm surprised at how much I like it. It's the dumbest shit and it's wonderful.