Ente Süßsauer

No shit.

Jail time often means loss of job, loss of family, loss of housing, and the chance of never getting any of that back for those without wealth - jail time could be a lifetime sentence for what is cured by spending money on a tow truck and maybe some oil sopping.

In fact, the automaker loses more than $32,000 on every car that rolls off the production line in Normal, Illinois, as Automotive News reports:”

So I don’t think I’ve ever read a Jalponik list that I more throughly disagreed with.

Who did you let make these picks? A group of caffeinated metrosexual millennials who drive Subarus and carry purses? I’m surprised the Lamborghini from Cannonball Run didn’t make the list.

Field sobriety test = cop works hard to notice anything, even things that aren’t there. Like drug sniffing dogs trained to “indicate” on command, usually a small sound or hand signal, the Field sobriety test is a fake-out to claim “reasonable suspicion” and “probable cause.”

Typical response from someone with zero awareness outside their own (tiny, little) world.

I understand that times are tough for Jalopnik right now, but whoever is currently maintaining your site has made it nigh-unreadable. Whenever you scroll to the bottom of an article, it leaves the article and takes you to a random Root web page. It’s absolutely maddening and I won’t be returning until it’s fixed,

A California woman is suing JetBlue, claiming the airline’s refusal to allow her emotional support dog to accompany her last year led to a resurgence in her Stage 4 cancer.

Stop doing this “Company loses $X on every unit it sells” nonsense. It’s misleading and sensationalized. Ford, and most companies (Even Nissan, allegedly!) spend money developing new products. They spend that money in anticipation of future sales. Dividing total development cost (already paid up front) by the first

Even in the more walkable/transit friendly neighbourhoods, the incumbents (re. older) are incredibly territorial, and prefer to block new housing, or really anything that’d benefit anybody else.

Way to go! Get rid of one of the MAIN reasons why people fly Southwest! I’m sure that will make more people want to fly their airline...

Well then they should be extra careful about not breaking the law like the rest of us...

I am going to need to hear more on this “immunity while legislation is in session” bullshit.

Looks more like the light-pole did the trick. The phone pedestal offered no resistance whatsoever.

Shouldn’t the automakers have to give cars for the government to test? Maybe I’m overstepping the reach of our .gov here, but it seems like this should be how all cars are tested. I’m not expecting a niche brand (Bugatti, Rimac, etc.) to give a car for this due to limited production, but I would certainly think

Another in a long line of examples that police need to be severely restrained and their sh*t pushed in.  From removing every single piece of ex-US government military hardware to telling them they can’t just buy toys to show off. 

An uglier and tackier Ciel.

Don’t love the colors, reminds me of those weird lemon vanilla Oreos in your grandma’s cookie jar... oddly the cookie jar that looks like the seats.

I’ve seen enough JustRolledIntoTheShop videos to know that mandatory yearly vehicle safety inspections should be the norm in every state.