
i assume i will be incredibly famous in a matter of minutes, then.

Whatever happened to all those venom lip glosses?

It is SO hard for me to subscribe to this theory. I want to be generous of spirit and forgiving, but my sympathy well is close to dry. It's hard for a child to accidentally get burned, repeatedly, and burns are exceedingly painful and scary. If the moms are, for whatever reason, unable to protect their children, maybe

Don't you know about the Tolentinos? They are original old money New England. Jia brings up every time we summer at his parent's cottage in mainline Philadelphia. She said to me once, while we were strolling down some slummy Barney's sale, "Does this Hermes scarf make me look like I shop at Target?". And I said,

They SHOULD be laughing at me; I'm fucking hilarious.

I have learned from this that eyebrows are the weirdest thing that has ever happened to faces

Ellie's cat though

Did you know the internet is just one big lie? A hoax. A fraud. A scam, I tell ya! You've probably suspected this,

Oh god, I swear I had Coffee Latte's husband the other day. Never in my life have I felt the stupidity ratio in a room rise so rapidly as when this guy opened his mouth.

Obviously the steak fajitas had not been grilled enough. The longer you grill them, the more tender they become. Look it up.

That guy definitely works/ worked in hospitality himself, only a person who has been there themselves would consider the importance of the extra topping fee.

It really is getting to the point where, if you need something fast, you're not totally screwed. Which is so exciting!

See, it's not to my taste, but that's what I love about the plus-size fashion boom — we're reaching the point where there are enough options that I can say "ummmmm no thanks" instead of "well I guess is the one thing Lane Bryant is selling this year so either I buy it or I don't buy anything."

I'm hoping this really does represent a concerted effort to improve — it sounds like they're sinking a lot of money into something they're hoping will be a big moneymaker, which hopefully means improved presentation on the floor, as well.

I'd like to be excited, but I'm skeptical. Like you, I'll also believe it when I see it (and try it on). My experience with Target plus size clothing thus far is that it is probably the most awkward and ill-fitting collection around.

I was very romantic and threw mine into the sea :)

Somewhere on the Lush North America forum, there is a massive thread filled with women saying they'd never marry a man who spent less than $10k on an engagement ring, because they need to know he appreciates their true worth. I asked how they'd be showing their appreciation of his worth. Didn't go down too well.

It makes sense for people who can or wish to afford it.

Engagement jewelry is such a sham. I will admit laziness right now and say I couldn't be bothered to find the source article, but I read that rings (especially with stones on them) are artificially inflated to be the ridiculous prices they are now - and the reselling value is just awful.