Ensign Ruh Ro

The linked article says that John Cena acted as a couples therapist for Wiz at a WWE Raw performance. Beautiful.

I know a lot of people turn to male condoms as their go to birth control if hormonal birth control doesn’t work out. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with female condoms? They’re not that common, but they can be a great option for women who want protection against STDs but for whatever reason can’t

Every time I need a pick me up, I’ll just imagine that song coming up on shuffle while Tom Cruise is driving and him just fucking rocking out to it.

Thank you for this. I grew up in the most suburban suburb in Florida, and I have such mixed feelings towards it. On the one hand, it is home because this is where I have lived the majority of my life. It was a safe place with good schools, so I get why my mom wanted to move here. And I had a pretty priveleged

This comes from South Africa, but Desmond D’Sa is a pretty amazing guy. He grew up in Durban and his family was then moved to South Durban where he lived next to a toxic landfill. The people who lived next to the area had such bad health, it was called cancer valley. He became an environmental activist and despite

1. If you haven’t watched Spaced I would highly recommend it. It’s a pretty short series, but funny and a little weird. I watched it on Hulu ages ago, so I don’t know if it’s still on there

Thank you for the words of encouragement! I've been trying to go outside and see the sun rather than just compulsively going through Mendeley, and that seems to help.

So grad school and my dissertation have really been destroying my soul. But I had a good day today, and I started reading “Bitch Planet” (which is amazing and you should pick up if you get the chance!), so maybe things will start to look up the smallest bit?

I had a pretty bad one recently. I was chatting with this woman and she asked me if I had ever heard of homeopathy (which she was peddling). I mumbled "No, uh, I'm okay for all that. Thanks," and scooted away quickly.

So they punish him in the only way the know how: By dressing him up in a pink dress, spanking him and then taking turns having sex with his willing body as punishment.

Oh Harry Shum Jr., how good looking you are. But then again I always get crushes on celebrities who are good dancers and/or seem like they are nice to their mothers.

I came here to write this. I wish that I could have her muscle tone, but without all the hard work and sacrifice or whatever.

I played rugby in college, and while we never sang this song, we sang others that were equally as filthy. And I totally agree with you. Playing rugby as a woman really made me accept and love my body, and helped me to come into my own. And singing those songs and playing such a rough sport made me realize that I can

Watching the video, I can totally see how you got there. But no. He doesn't pick him up and tip him to the ground. Lawes just has a lot of momentum and that's what takes the other player down. And the refs on the field only reviewed the play because they thought it was a late hit, not because they thought he was

No. In rugby, as long as you tackle below the shoulders and maintain your wrap until the person hits the ground (so you end up going to ground with the person), your tackle is fine. What you're talking about is a spear tackle, which is illegal, where the person is lifted up and then dumped on their head. If you watch

Wasn't sure what Seamless was (but it looks amazing!), but voted for it because even just reading "Having 10,000 Unread Emails" gave me anxiety.

In college I went on a road trip with someone who was a big fan of the Dresden Dolls. She was driving, so we ended up listening to Amanda Palmer's caterwauling for six hours. I suppressed that memory until now. Thanks, Jezebel.

Thanks for the link! I was expecting the study to be new, but I guess it's the one from 2012 that they are talking about. I don't see where it mentions emergency contraception, but I'm just skimming the journal article now and could have missed it.

I love it when people bring up toxins, because it is an immediate red flag and then I know that I don't have to take this person seriously anymore. Toxins are the miasma of the 21st century.

Glad I'm not the only one. I was beginning to doubt my PubMed skills