
"Verily thou art an ill-favored fornicator of matriarchs."

The deformed hand twin from that Don Rickles ventriloquist episode of Tales from the Crypt sure hosts a lot of shows on E!

Stop sending texts from the dinner table Mom, it's rude.


Fun Fact:

The waking sleep apnea breathing gave him away before the hand confirmed things.

Pant Man: The hero that wears pants.

I thought the Marvel Universe done got blowed up real good?
How are stories still taking place in it?

"Why is there so much rape in this board game?"

Wow, they have STAR Wars now?

Having seen pictures of the writers I'm going to broadly label them as "non-dancers."

Money is like, stupid.

Also, Redman is the Funk Doctor Spock.

Oh Bill Cosby.
Quaaludes are your answer to everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Do you big up y'self with that mouth?

I agree.

I like my humor the same way I like my ointments.

I stand by my analogy.

As penance they should be forced to consummate the Lucy/Desi relationship on the Food Network.

Only one way to prove me wrong.