
Whether it was 7 seconds or 17 seconds, that’s an unjustifiably short period of time to justify shooting down a plane. Erdoğan wanted to shoot it down. He’s been waiting for an excuse to do so because he’s a Sunni Islamist who opposes al-Assad, and threfore Russia. The consequence of that is that he tacitly supports

I always assumed, and yes it was just an assumption, that the Alien looked the way it did (i.e. all H.R. Giger-y) precisely because it gestated within a creature (the “Space Jockey”) that was all H.R. Giger-y looking to begin with. A plus-sized human in a suit doesn’t make any sense. And that’s the problem with

“So I’m now going to the next one, which is the next evolution directly connected with the first one, which was this Shaw, when he replaced Michael Fassbender in two pieces and we’ll kind of pick it up there and it will evolve.

So it’s basically a vag-fest? Great.

Somewhere, someone with a penis is probably just furious about it.

Sheen seems to have disappeared from Fiat marketing plans, and the company isn’t saying why.

Were you this stupid when you were that age? I seriously doubt it. I wasn’t. Nor was anyone of the same age that I knew at the time. Teenagers have always done stupid things, but the current crop of teenagers are more or less retarded. I mean no offense to people who are actually retarded; they at least have an excuse

I’s probably classify them more as “morons with terrorist leanings who wound up dead due to their own epic stupidity”.

Report: Austrian Teen Who Joined ISIS Beaten to Death When She Tried to Escape

So Hispanics aren’t white but Jews are? Fascinating! Tell me more...

Are you on glue? Serious question.

I know that Ridley’s focus is on the second Prometheus and I’m sure that he and Fox both don’t want that and Neill’s movie to come out right next to each other, because they’re kind of two different worlds, with Aliens taking place thousands of years later, which is how they explained it all to me...

I hated Rose. With a passion. A total chav.

Or that maybe this was the plan to begin with? Because that thing looked fuck-all like a clock.

Since I don’t have a time machine there’s no a whole bunch I can do about that except to acknowledge that it occurred and to move on a deal with the issues and challenges facing Australian society today.

Ancient Egypt sure had a lot of white people, didn’t it?

The Vietnamese “boat people” that Australia resettled make for an interesting case study of multiculturalism. They integrated extrememly well into Australian society. They still maintained their Vietnamese culture, but they worked to strike a balance between that and being active participants in Australian society.

“Patty” was the fuel truck. I have no idea why they thought it was one place when it was really some place else. Who knows.

You literally can’t trust anything you see on RT. Unless of course this is why Putin has that RT guy murdered the other day? Or maybe he had him murdered because he wouldn’t broadcast this bullshit? Either way, you can’t trust anything on RT.

She lost any claim to any title when Alderaan was vaporized. No planet, no Princess.