
I focused on the incontravertable evidence. Not the evidence that I will gladly admit is suspect. But the incontravertable evidence all points to her being present at the time Meredith was killed and to Sollecito being present some point later. She’s guilty. But she’s a white American women so you don’t care whether

It was dubbed because American audiences can’t cope with anything that isn’t American. It’s no more complicated than that. I’ve seen British people subtitled in American productions. British people! Americans are so fearful of stepping outside their comfort-zone that it’s just sad.

...her husband wore overalls...

She totally did it. And yes, before anyone asks, I actually did review the evidence. There is no plausible way in which she wasn’t involved. She’s a sociopath. She’s actually convinced herself that she didn’t do it. But she did. She killed Meredith Kercher. Sollecito likely only helped her cover up her involvement

...it has the largest number of chromosomes in its family...

Ridiculous but not as ridiculous as the Echidna. It’s a freaking real-life Adipose:

“Can you cite the statute at the federal or state level that she’s supposed to follow?”

I guess Shelter was already taken.

I have multiple ancestors named Honor. They all had children out of wedlock. And I’m pretty sure some of them died of syphillis. But then I guess everyone died of syphillis back then. They were definitely the sluttiest part of my ancestry though. Some of them may have actually been whores. One of them married an

“I think audiences are waiting for the first elevated science fiction TV series in a while.”

I’m not moving the goal posts; I’m suggesting that due to the nature of his “crime” there was no way he was ever going to not go to prison. The American public have a lust for revenge more than a longing for justice. That and a general rufusal to acknowledge the scale of the nation’s mental health problem. Because to

Justice and revenge aren’t the same thing.

No, he is not. I would categorise him as “less than average”. I wouldn’t fuck him.

Well first of all this guy isn’t a “serial killer”; he’s a “mass murderer”. There’s a difference. Serial killers usually don’t cross racial lines in terms of who they kill. So perhaps it’s the same social phenomena working in reverse. I would imagine his fan mail is almost exclusively from white women (and unhinged

I’m more disturbed by the fact that a clearly extremely mentally ill person has been put in prison instead of a secure psychiatric facility. The same is true of Jared Lee Loughner. Both these guys appear to have some form of schizophrenia yet everyone seems fine with sending them to prison instead of where they should

I agree. I really don’t understand what more people could reasonably be expecting at this point. They seem to be expecting this show to be at the same point as The Walking Dead. But it isn’t that show. It isn’t set at that point in time. This is right at the start of things that’s the entire point. People need to stop

As per the Apostolic Christian Church website:

“Her attorney, Jonathan D Christman, wrote that forcing her to issue licenses is akin to forcing a person who objects to war into the battlefield, or forcing a person against capital punishment to carry out an execution.”

Most people are fairly feeble-minded and given an excuse will act out in ridiculous ways. That’s the very nature of hysteria. It’s psychosomatic bullshit. Most people lack the self-awareness to see that they are just getting caught up in something that isn’t reality-based. It’s unsurprising that teenagers and females

Praise the Lord! Now they can go back to dying of malaria and AIDS instead.