
"I don't have to pay extra taxes in my municipality to fund a rich kid's BMW."

"She was someone else during that attack," the mother added.

To give birth? There's no waiting list to give birth, moron. Pregnancy is a somewhat time-sensitive condition. And no, you don't have to get permission from the NHS before you can mate. Idiot American.

"my doctor just died and I'm due tomorrow"

So you'll make as many excuses as necessary, and view the situation in the best possible light, for Poehler to come out smelling like roses but John Hamm's a dick for defusing a tense situation with a little humor? Typical "feminist" (which isn't really feminist at all it's just straight up man-hating for the sake of

If people are so desperate to find an asshole in this situation, how about Amy Poehler? Yes, I know she's a woman and you (those offended by Hamm's comment) aren't used to viewing any woman as an asshole when there is literally any man that you can view as the asshole instead, but go with me on this. Amy Poehler was

Yes, you are missing something. It's called a sense of humor. And I'm afraid it's a terminal condition.

Yeah, because that sure helped Jaycee Lee Dugard.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. If any of you bothered to watch the videos you would have clearly heard that at least one person was attempting to solicit help. A man saying the word "emergency" can be heard several times. And what racial implications? Black people assaulted other black people. How

I always choose purity. Especially when it comes to methamphetamine. I don't want that cut shit. Gimme the good stuff.

This sounds like something that, if put into practice, the NBA could be successfully sued for an enormous amount of money for. I'm not saying that I give a fuck. Professional sport is about the most retarded invention in human history, so go ahead and bankrupt yourselves, I don't give a fuck. But it's a moronic

If you have to ask whether it's appropriate to wear a particular outfit to an event - wedding or not - the answer is always "No".

Having owned and worked with both dogs and cats I can easily say that cats are more intelligent than dogs. Their intelligence can be harder to "see" as their motivations are more complex than dogs, but once you understand that you can start to see their minds at work. They're devious little shits. And far better at

So what's your point? Finland isn't perfect? No country is. So what do you achieve by calling out a country that is already better than most? Absolutely nothing. So either say something constructive or shut the fuck up.

So it's like most of the United States then? Glass houses and all that shit.