Nicely done!
Nicely done!
OMG I had a dress with that weird two color shimmery fabric. Mine was blue and black. Thought it was sooooooooooo cool
How Did This Get Made!!
This TERRIFIES me. I am 30-something and my dad is in his 60s. He is tall, black hair, dark skin. I am very short, green eyes, fair skin. The other day he took me and my two kids to lunch. He walked in carrying my one year-old and I thought “......I bet they think we’re his mid-life crisis family.” Even though it…
I couldn’t agree more! And that was BEFORE I knew how much he loved Teen Witch!
Ice cream bread? Is this a “thing”? I looked at the original post and it does sound simple but I just don’t see the point (YMMV, of course). This modification seems silly though. If you’re going to make banana bread, make banana bread. Skip the ice cream.
I understand what you’re saying but you have to admit there’s an air of dishonesty about selling to someone who thinks they’re getting 5 pounds of Chicken but it’s in fact 4 pounds of chicken and a pound of water weight.
Increases sodium which can be a health issue, and allows the grocer to charge a higher price because the chicken is heavier. Brining your own chicken at home is fine with me and makes a big (positive) difference in flavor and juciness!
This both hits very close to home and also makes me so grateful for my support system. I recently split up with my partner with whom I have an infant. When I was in a higher paying job I bought my own home and after the split, I moved back into it.
I love the one’s slightly askew lipstick. Also, the Jane Seymour hat is totally impractical! You would run into all the things!!
Gah! This is impossible to look away from!
I have always had a habit of doing this and I swear it’s because I heard once that on newer cars, it is not a problem. I even “schooled” my fiance when he told me not to do it. Grrr.
God. I won’t deny I felt pretty smug that this happened to this idiot gun nut, but then, as a parent I started thinking about how terrified that child must have been. He clearly didn’t mean to shoot her, so he was probably scared at the noise and the recoil and then seeing his mother and blood and then, like, swerving…
Great tip for those who wear skinny jeans. But I imagine it feels weird and if you do any amount of walking, they’ll slip down which will look even more awkward than tucking at the bottom.
Right? If you have a broken leg and you’re in pain, is it selfish to decline to go hiking with your friends? If you have cancer and your immune system can’t handle being in public, is it selfish to decline your friends’ request to go have drinks?
Isn’t that strange how likeable Kimmy Gibler has become? She’s great.
I thought the same thing! I was like, okay... Macy Gray was BIG in the early 2000s right? Tweens have no idea who she is, and people my age (Stephanie Tanner’s age FYI) probably only know her for that ONE song. Total head scratcher.
Pic plz
I met him a few years back and he looks oooooooooooooooooooold. Granted, he IS OOOOOOOOOOOOOLD, but...
I got upgraded to first class once. I was on a flight from Hilo, HI to Honolulu, HI. This flight was less than an hour long. Figures the ONLY time this would happen would be on a flight that short. Anyway, the leg room was incredible. Warm, wet hot towel handed to me with tongs, free alcohol. WARM COOKIE!! It was…