
Twice per month the NYPD has a traffic cop followed by a tow truck. They’ll issue a $45 ticket and then hook you up to the truck. It’ll cost you $185 to get your car out (if it’s the same day more for each day they hold it) and you’re still on the hook for the $45 ticket. The boots made a comeback in my neighborhood

"Eye of the Tiger" is the 80's rock ballad that ended Communism.

Some how this makes so much sense; make sure to give them a high valuation as we absolutely need more Farmville-like IPOs. /s

When I was headed to Los Angeles this past January I fought with American Airlines staff at JFK because I know my bag is supposed to fit - I never had a problem with any other airline. The woman at the counter insisted that I was a liar and that my Samsonite carry-on bag was not a carry-on and they haven't changed the

They'll be singing naked and probably having sex on stage, and the kids who liked 2 Live Crew will have their drawers in a serious bundle because their kids will be determined to hear and see "Stark Nakkid and the Car Thieves" singing their controversial hit, "I Want to Kiss You on Your Woo-Woo in the Nude."

No, they shouldn't get foreign language credits for learning a programming language, however, there should be CS course work as part of our curriculum.

Richard Sherman's sage advice for life: "Close that tab."

Having used the E-M5 extensively (long-term loan) my biggest gripe with it was slow-ish EVF. But it had an EVF and it was awesome! as a mirror-lesss/Micro 4/3 shooter.

I don't live far from the VIM pictured above. I think I'll take a visit next week, maybe send you pictures from the inside.

Good god man! Is that Windows 2000?

And have games made specifically for it; current options now have a number or colon in their names.

So should I buy it now or wait the full year as I intend to?

Mario Van Peebles and Carl Weathers!? I'm adding this to the queue.

Err... "higher-ups" not "hire ups"

Has the fighting genre seen the last of its glory days?

Thanks for the info; I'm glad someone was able to add to my "it's bad, mmkay" response.

According to the NYT it seems like that large orange cloud is actually unburned fuel and is making its way over a nearby city. The cloud is toxic and residents are being told to shelter in place, tightly shut windows/doors and not run air conditioning.

Brooklyn, NY

Burned it to the bottom now we here.