oh. shit.
oh. shit.
Why can’t mass shootings happen at NFL owners meetings, preferably in the boardroom, with all the controlling-stake owners present, and no non-owners present?
I’m sorry.
Johnson. Bird. Drexler. Barkley. Stockton. Malone. Ewing. Thomas. O’Neal. Duncan. Robinson. Pippen. Wilkens.
Counterpoint: Zoolander is really fucking funny.
Kevin Bacon is a well known Thug.
How do you sleep at night having that big dildo stuck up your asshole, buffoon?
Yup, when I see Serena, I think thug. Uh huh.
Why did Gronk’s Mom’s home make a Piece of Chicken sue Flay?
Just came here to post a brief public service announcement.
said no one ever.
(who is Tyrod Taylor, anyway?)
Yeah, but is he Elite?
What joke?
That’s not what the local paper said.
That’s a really glaring typo. Tom really needs to fix that.