
Quoting another commenter:  “It’s like The Godfather, except everyone is Fredo.”

The WP is stupidly participating in the conservative human centipede of news: right wing ratfuckers (National Legal and Policy Center) lodge baseless complaint with FEC, right wing propaganda outlets with zero credibility (breitbart, townhall, etc) write breathless stories about complaint, mainstream right wing

What. The. Fuck. Document EVERYTHING. For fucks sake, he’s been harrassing you for the same length of time you dated for. That’s a red fucking flag that the moron cop should have understood. That level of “persistance” for a five month relationship? That’s pure control not pining for closure. Stay safe, and keep

Absolutely! I mean Sandra is a powerhouse, but Comer kept up with her and in many cases stole the show. Here’s hoping all the award season love gets shared with her next season because she deserves it.

Comer blew my everlovin’ mind in that show.  She’s spectacular.

I would love for someone to ask Clinton about Jeffery and what he knew and if he took part. Obviously he would not admit to anything. But the idea that Bill rode that plane many  times and didn’t see anything is hard to believe. I get the impression that Jeffery didn’t hide the girls he trafficked.

Let’s call Trump’s declaration of a purported “national emergency” to get his wall built what it really is...

I mean, to each their own. I like more being taken out for taxes and then getting a refund at the end because it’s like paying into a savings account I can’t touch for a year. If I changed my tax claims to deduct less than it would only make the slightest bump in my paychecks which I would probably squander without

Robert Mueller interviewed Sarah Huckabee Sanders.”

It used to feel like we were taking crazy pills. Now we’re just straight up mainlining this shit.

Pro-life bullshit just means a ban on safe, medical abortions- there is absolutely no fucking way in hell abortion itself will ever stop as long as people are getting pregnant. So to ban a safe abortion done in a clean and sterile clinic is the name of the game. The idea that by making abortion illegal will stop it,

I am so angry about the cavalier attitude of these two. A clueless old white man who made millions investing in distressed debt and a golddigging cunt. I hate that word but it applies here. My husband despises Dump and his cronies as much as I do, but he was shocked when I said it while watching a report about her

I so want some kind of vehicle to deliver that message and more right to their faces. 

I like how he says “get a loan” like the average person can just stroll into any bank and get a loan with a low interest rate at a moment’s notice. Most of them will be forced to turn to predatory payday lenders who will charge them over 100% interest. Also, it makes no sense for them to take out a loan for basic

As the wife of a government employee worried about paying our mortgage and ensuring we are taking care of our 1 year old daughter, I have some thoughts for Wilbur Ross and Laura Trump.

I find this quote from the Emperors New Groove consistently relevant to the current administration 

Everyone associated with the Trump administration is fucking trash. 

It looks like the Daily Beast article was updated and that he is going to be fitted with a new prosthetic arm.

Wtf is wrong with these people, Ice, the republicans, and trump can all eff off. 

Um, he meant your face.