
but we don’t want to fund the Avengers initiative because that’s not ‘revenue neutral’

I didn’t hold a party when I became invisible to men, but I should have.

...so it is actually not a very big tent after all.

There Vice President Steve Pence. And Steve Pompeo over at State. And of course, Steve Mattis just left Defense. And Steve Whitaker (Ole Shiny Head Steve) at Justice. And Stevie Ross at Commerce and Steve Acosta at Labor.

And the fact that stores and even restaurants won’t kick these people out with their mutts infuriates me. I shouldn’t have to deal with your stupid dog when I’m  trying to get a meal.

A D-List celebrity at a strip club in QUEENS!

Ugh, she’s so frustrating! Then just stay a dancer! I get it; she feels inferior around the other women, but if she’s truly in it for the surgery funds (which, hello, maybe think about your kid first) then suck it up. Men at strip clubs have different tastes. They’re not all there for the same kind of body.

Being born into a position of wealth as a starting point doesn’t hurt either.

Yeah, suckin’ that dick on YouTube was just like working in a coal mine.

If you’re going to emulate “America’s Premiere Trash Family” all you have to do is get fucked on camera and then release it.

“I know that I could be a lawyer or a doctor and make my mom proud, but that’s just not what I want ultimately. I don’t want to sit behind a desk when I know that there are people getting paid to do what they are actually passionate about,”

It’s hilarious that the neighbour mentions that the fence is “tastefully done”

Interesting to watch the fall of America happen in real time. The history books will not look kindly on the right wing.

I question the judgement of anyone idiotic enough to bring a 5 day old baby into a busy restaurant. If these are “influencers” I hope no other new parents are being influenced.

Right. His testimony WAS the smoking gun of his unfitness as a judge, and they applauded it.

So, in other words, Kavanaugh would need to be caught with a bottle of whiskey in one hand, a literal smoking gun in the other, and in the middle of fucking some woman’s still-warm corpse? Eh, even then I’m sure the Republicans would say it was self-defense or something and ignore it.

or a smoking gun would have to come out that is compelling enough to persuade enough Republicans to join with Democrats to form a 2/3 majority, for such an effort to succeed.

A smoking gun wouldn’t motivate Republicans to impeach or remove him. Political advantage or expediency is the only thing that would budge them. 

Reality TV reboot of The Odd Couple, starring Kevin Spacey, Julian Assange, and an Ecuadorian cat with a really filthy litterbox!

I’ve gotta admit, of all the disgusting little con-artists Trump has nominated, Pruitt is the most entertaining in that he continually acts like the conservative caricature of a corrupt government official leeching off the taxpayer.