She left out the parts with the cocaine.
She left out the parts with the cocaine.
He’s not even really talking to the child even though, yes, there’s a child on the line; he’s playing to the camera. It’s his “I’m so entertaining” schtick. He thinks the press is going to chuckle at his off-the-cuff remark. The 7-year old’s confusion is collateral damage. He’s the worst.
Who uses “marginal” when talking to a seven-year-old?
I didn’t believe in Santa at age seven, but these days, I’m starting to believe in Satan.
Trump decided to hitch his star to the performance of the stock market, most likely in the face of all advice not to do so because of this. So, like most of his shitty half-baked ideas, he’s going to have to own this one.
Ah, the banks all swear they have plenty of cash on hand to weather a massive downturn. Well that’s a relief! Turns out we don’t need any regulation to ensure that sort of thing, after all. We just need to call them up and say, “hey, Bill, you’re not hanging your ass out the window again, are you?”
Oh, you’re right! He *does* sit on every chair like it’s a toilet. And, Kidelo is also right about him making the yoni with his hands. I have a theory about why this is.
I don’t think this was even about spreading the word of Jesus. It was about him and his ego. He wanted to be THE GUY who converted these historically isolated people. He could have spread the word of god in a ton of places around the world where it wasn’t so dangerous for the recipients of his gospel, but no he chose…
That’s a slander on those with actual mental illness. This is a selfish, arrogant life choice based on his own idiotic religious views. Saying it’s akin to mental illness absolves him of any kind of responsibility for his wildly stupid choices. If he wouldn’t have had such a hard-on to convert the unconvertable, and…
You’re being much more tactful than I would have been. This was typical centuries old white man’s arrogance to presume they needed “converting” to Christianity. As if Christianity has done wonders in this country. I feel no sympathy for him or his family. Let it be a lesson for those who would try to impose their…
The mom is definitely a religious nut, too. Against all evidence, she said she believes he could still be alive because she prays.
I don’t feel bad for his family. They’re probably the ones that brainwashed him and made him think this was ok in the first place. This is the logical conclusion.
How about all religions just shut the fuck up about mutilating the genitals of ALL children?
If only this hussy would have the good taste towear a jacket that read “I don’t really care. Do U?” This would be a non-issue!
Her constituents did that already.
She’s the future. And every time they look at her, deep down they know that she had to be smarter, better and work harder than them to get there. And she did it.
She was a grown woman deemed intelligent enough to score an internship at the White House.
“And he started out so promisingly! Womp womp.”
I’ll never forgive him for saying Trump looked “truly presidential” after reading scripted pro-military nonsense at his first address of Congress.