
Whenever I have Subway, I like to pretend that their bread is still made from yoga mats (or whatever that whole deal was) and exclaim outloud how much I enjoy eating yoga mats.

Oh like that crowd was even from southeast DC. This is the World Series, after all. Which makes the booing far more damming.

No, don’t feel anything for that Viper. She was/is a ‘Birther’ as much as her Vile husband. There’s plenty of video out there of her spewing the lies!

This is what happens when you give marginally employable people lots of power. Most of the TSA people I’ve come in contact with would otherwise be working at fast food chains. 

I’ve watched it a few times; the first time concentrating on the note-passer, but then the other times focusing on the other TSA personnel that seem to pass in and out of the area. Not enough visual evidence to say they’re complicit, but they certainly didn’t seem at all fazed that their co-worker was passing secret

why is this matters?

I have said before, she can say leave the money on the dresser in 6 languages.

It’d be nice, but I find less and less hope that any of the Trump family will face jail time. Pelosi, even after all of this, is just going to equivocate some more and keep saying ‘it’s not the right time’ or somesuch bullshit.

Creating a problem and then profiting from it and punishing people who can’t afford the solution is a core GOP value.

well, that and money laundering/fraud - there’s a reason the same division of Deutsche Bank that kept throwing hundreds of millions in loans at default king Trump also had significant business w/ Epstein.  Of course, DB corrected this and closed all of their Epstein accounts all the way back in *checks notes* May 2019.

I’ve heard reports that she had the flu. I have a serious, non-swarmy question for you and all those that are saying “don’t criminalize youthful indiscretions”. If not her, but someone else did this (I have seen TWO OTHERS already copy her, cause copying is a thing with that crowd) and you bought ice cream for a

This is why I hate teens, and hated them as a teen. I was the weirdo who already had impulse control (I’m autistic I over-think fucking everything) while everyone else around me seemed to be on the train to stupidtown. I never drank, never smoked, never tried drugs, I just wanted to play video games and read books.

If she grows up to be a horrible person it’s probably not because she’s the child of billionaires, but rather because millions of women thirty years her elder have been obsessed with her since birth and proclaim every mundane thing she does to be A-MAZING while calling anyone who doesn’t fully endorse that opinion a

Well, if your standards are this low, i don’t think your future kinds will have much of a problem meeting them.

I get stuck going to kids dance classes for my nanny job and she’s mediocre at best. Just like mommy.

Kind of weird to repost some TMZ cell phone content about a person’s child as news.

Blue Ivy’s great but she’s no

I’ve seen better. She’s really overrated just like her mother.

Counterpoint: Blue Ivy is fine, and your feigned obsession with a child is idiotic and played out.

I was unemployed (or severely underemployed) for several years during the Great Recession, and if during that time I had been the target of something like this, the kid would’ve been ok, but no force in this world could’ve arrived in time to save the cameramen/boom operator/whoever else popped out to humiliate me from