
No, it’s pretty fucked up when the United States president tries to undermine the intelligence community, all to defend and boost Russia.

So, basically, Barron is autistic. Right?

Yeah - I mean, I’m sure he wasn’t a supporter of each president whose parade he participated in, but clearly this is where he feels his identity lies, in America’s story.

I don’t think he buys what he’s selling. “They’re running out of dresses” is such a simple-minded, naive fabrication that it’s almost charming, but no I honestly believe this is KILLING Donald. He pulled the mother of all cons to win King Of The World, and no one will come to his party, because no one loves him. This

I have been pretty convinced since November that we are going to see national troops deployed against US citizens in 2017. People keep talking about a Civil War, what we could be facing could be much, much worse.

Probably coated in small pox

Of course they have blackmail material on him. Even Marco Rubio pointed out to his GOP colleagues that they shouldn’t take any glee in the DNC hacks because any and everyone of them could (and will) be next. And when Marco Rubio is a voice of reason, heaven help us all.

He is such a grabbo that he’d be lamb to the slaughter while in Russia for a beauty contest. There must be movies galore and they probably have his financials by the short and curlies. Hence his affection for the Kremlin’s playbook and poor language skills.

He’s not even an Agent but what would be called a “useful idiot”. Putin worked out very quickly that all that makes Trump work is his ego. If you make Wotsitman look good he’ll say anything but if you insult him then he’ll hunt you down.

We basically will have a double agent in the White House beginning on January 20th.

His team released a statement:

Can we also talk about how today he also met with the leaders of the Alphabet Agencies, some of the most powerful and historically pro-GOP Intelligence groups in the world, and basically claimed they were wrong about Putin and Russia’s involvement despite them then releasing a report which states plain as day that

Well, maybe a giant meteor impacting Mar-a-lago at 30 seconds until midnight. That would have been more appropriate.

I never cared about her, but this made me think she is a bitch. Seriously don’t even try? If you showed up to work and something goes wrong do you get to say fuck this and not try? No.

Even money that if you were talking about the ACA and interchanged the terms ACA and Obamacare, cheeto benito would thing you were talking about two separate things.

People like the ACA, except when you call it Obamacare. People are also fucking idiots.

I don’t see how this is a question. It’s not even veiled.

The main takeaway from this election: the bulk of Mormons genuinely believe the ethical redlines in their scriptures, the bulk of evangelicals are exactly the craven amoral fucknuts everyone else has always suspected.

People in shock, and there’s no way that he wasn’t in shock, are not always rational actors (pardon the pun). Having responded to several motor vehicle accidents I can assure you that he’s not alone. Most recently a young man, after confirming that no one was seriously hurt wanted to make sure that the little old lady