They kick up their legs and Trumpwalks down the line and grabs them each by the pussy. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
They kick up their legs and Trumpwalks down the line and grabs them each by the pussy. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
I sigh every time I read one of these. Maybe four more years of this, and maybe more than that. I’m just waiting until some prominent woman refuses him something during his presidency and he infers that she’s a lesbian, because you know it’s going to happen.
They absolutely deserve. I wish every bad thing possible on these fucking racist, sexist idiots.
Forget compassion or concern, I have a hard enough time not seeing those people as literal human garbage. I just spent a weekend binge watching Band of Brothers (I’ve been on a WWII kick for obvious reasons lately) and there is a scene where one of the major characters sneaks into the house of a prominent Nazi officer…
This is not a generational war. I’m 55, disabled and can barely get any healthcare. You don’t want to know my monthly income. I have 12 years of college education, taught in college for 7 years, got sick and everything I’d worked for was gone. Seriously, too many people stereotype with the broadest strokes I’ve ever…
They said they didn’t think he’d really do it. So you voted for him on the off chance he wouldn’t do what he said he would. Smart move. He’s also not bringing back coal jobs but good luck treating that black lung.
I don’t recall which state this happened in — Kentucky or Alabama, if I had to guess. After ACA launched, they couldn’t get people to sign up. So they changed the name to something like Kentucky Health Exchange. And then enrollments exploded. After people signed up, they were told that their health plan was actually…
Oh my god, I am so with you. My sister and I have responded in opposite ways to the tragedy of Trump’s election. I’ve retreated from the world entirely, and she’s jumped head first into non-stop advocacy efforts on all fronts. Every couple days, she’ll post something on social media about how her concern and…
Exactly. It was shown time and again that Trump is a liar and a fraud. Yet they voted for him anyway. People who voted for him deserve what they get. Or won’t be getting in this case. The rest of us tried to stop it.
I read an article in the Washington Post the other day that mentioned a woman and her husband, who both get health insurance through Obamacare. The husband is on the list for a liver transplant. They both voted for Trump. And the wife was like, “Wait, he’s really going to cut Obamacare? I thought that was just talk!…
I feel guilty, but when I hear about states like Texas losing their abortion coverage a part of me is just like you know what, good.
I’ve read articles where people voted for Trump and are now shocked that he’s probably going to be going after THEIR benefits. People do this all the time. Somehow, when they receive benefits or entitlements, it’s worth it. And somehow when other people receive the same, they’re freeloading. And somehow when someone…
I saw some stats regarding the most recent enrollments in the ACA, top 5 states with most enrollees ALL went to Trump.
Yep, me too. You morons deserve to be left by the side of the road, just like your dad threatened to for kicking the back of his seat for five hundred miles. You wouldn’t listen.
I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these…
Back in October I commented boldly and confidently that Trump would never be President. I got a lot of stars for my vehemence, and spent most of my night reassuring worried commenters it would NOT happen.
Sorry for the double reply but the media looooves her. And even liberals cut her some slack. You can see it here! I don’t think it’s unrealistic at all.
See this is why ivanka is as bad if not worse than the rest of them. She’s dangerous because her perceived softness and good looks lulls you into a false sense of security. Like her father she has no values or principles. She will do anything for power, money and prestige. If Donald doesn’t run in 2020, I wouldn’t be…
Well it’s not so much a cake as this little round pastry thing. Actually think of this, I once had some chicken wings from a 711 and a hot dog from the little metal spinners. You know what? It actually wasn’t that bad but I did feel fairly ill after I ate it.