
I was the kid the Fancy Lady stood on to get on her horse. I slept in straw and horse poop in the stables. My only friend was a rat, and even though I kept him warm at night, he still bit me over a crust of mouldy bread and I died. I hope he froze to death, fucking ingrate.

Plenty of room because they don’t have humanity, empathy, compassion, logic, common sense, intelligence, humility, hearts, hair or dicks.

His wives show that he trades “up” to increasingly more passive and less intelligent women who don’t challenge him. Ivana was, by all accounts, a better business person than he is, Marla seems... not super bright, but smart enough to dump his ass when he started making weird comments about Tiffany, and Melania seems

Her cup runeth over.

You know how trump was an empty vessel for people to project onto their own hopes and dreams? Well Hillary was that for people, but instead of hopes and dreams it was hate.

WaPo reporter figured out why:

He told one group of people that if they were loyal they were in but at the same time probably kept a list of high profile CEOs and Wall Street Wolves close to his chest.

He said this week that Obama and he have “good chemistry”.

From his Secretary of State?

Well of course Manafort is getting a job; how else is Trump to get his instructions from Putin?

Except Jeff Sessions, General Flynn and Steven Bannon; which frankly are the dregs of humanity.

The actual rumor is that Giuliani fell asleep when Trump was bloviating during a meeting. Which I hope is true because it is hilarious.

Because now Trump only wants to hang out with the “cool kids,” not the second-stringers who used to be the only ones who could tolerate being around him when none of the “cool kids” would give him the time of day: Gingrich (“the smart, awkward geek no one likes”), Giuliani (“the wack job angry kid”), Christie (“the

Hey I want everyone in the next administration dead; all of them. They are one of the most poisonous, evil collection of wasted genetic material in human history; and the world would be better without them.

And I’m in Ireland so he can screen cap me all he fucking wants; he has no power here, or anywhere else. He

Thank you SO much - since they’re gutting Social Security, Federal prison is my only option for retirement.

I want her to live so she can see her kids suffer in the fucked up world she’s leaving them.

Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...

False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.

They aren’t just her kids. They’re his kids too and he has parental rights just as much as she does.

She has been incredibly shitty through this divorce process.