
As ethical as all the other doctors who inject pints of silicone into breasts, inject chemicals into buttocks, bleach rectums, trim off labia, install fake hymens, remove ribs, remove veins, vacuum fat cells out of body parts, slash & stretch faces, and pump lips full of fat that was harvested from the victim’s

Greed makes him feel young.

The man is 93. Does he really need to be spending his last hours on earth “securing meetings between Trump campaign staffers and Taiwanese representatives, inviting a Taiwanese delegation to the Republican National Convention and taking Taiwanese representatives on a White House tour,” all for some chunk of

Better Case Scenario: The Republicans have their Electors shaft Trump because “election was hacked” and put in Kasich.

That and he doesn’t give a rodent’s derriere.

This is the real danger of a Trump presidency. He’s going to be largely unable to identify self-interested advice because he’s never dealt with advisors with this kind of highly specialized self-interest. No one was advising Trump enterprises to invest in Tampa over Ft. Lauderdale because it would upend the balance of

Sorry but not sorry at all. Burqas are meant to demean women and subject them to misogynistic rules. Women get punished for getting raped in societies that make them wear burqas. Burqas represent truly awful male dominance and subjugation.

For you, being trapped in a hotel in North Dakota during a blizzard in subzero temperatures will be a story you tell for the rest of your life. For midwesterners, it was Tuesday.

Layers. Goggles. Scarves. two pairs of gloves.

Teaching people a lesson about fake news only works if THEY GAVE HALF A SHIT ABOUT THE NEWS BEING FAKE OR NOT!

Please take it up with Trader Joe’s then. Move along.

Counterpoint: American cheese makes the BEST grilled cheese, and you are wrong!

I like to imagine she’s drinking red wine by the fire with her dogs wrapped up in a cashmere throw. She’s probably all like, WELP WHAT DID YOU MOTHERFUCKERS THINK WOULD HAPPEN? MOAR WINE PLEASE! GOOD DOGGY! She deserves every ounce of schadenfreude she may be experiencing right now.

A few years ago, maybe 2013 or 14, Secretary Hillary Clinton came to my work (not Wall Street, tech company) for a fireside chat and to promote her book. She talked at length about her experience as SOS, and one thing she discussed was how much “small offenses” matter to so many leaders and countries around the world,

You left out that it was basically a rally to pat himself on the back for being awesome. Not “for” anything, just that. Just to go out and get people cheering for him again.

Same guy that harassed Obama for campaigning for Clinton in the final weeks by saying he should be back in Washington doing work.

Well Donald,

It’s impossible to describe the thing this most resembles without being accused of exhibiting Godwin’s law, but sometimes the comparison is apt.

Agreed. The people that think we’ll get over this stuff in four years have their heads in the sand.

Yeah, the only people I know who are called “Papa” have some sort of non-American background. Then it’s natural and makes sense.

Can you imagine having to do attendance/roll call at that school? I’d either end up vomiting or laughing uncontrollably.

Seriously, I get wanting your offspring to be unique. But I’ll remember a Mike who invents a cure for AIDS faster than I will a Balthazar who makes craft cocktails based on moon phases.