
Well, Internet bullying is her pet cause and I guess she’s diving right in.

“Sorry Barron, it sucks to be scrutinized for every little thing because your parent decided to run for President. But hey, at least you won’t have anyone on the left calling you the First Dog”

If he was brown, or wearing a headscarf, they wouldn’t have moved the plane until he was escorted off and arrested for “threatening statements” and “disrupting the flight”.

I don’t think that’s admirable. The reason this guy does shit like this is because he gets away with it. People need to stand up to people like this or they’ll never stop. They’re adult bullies.

But Muslims get thrown off for speaking a word of Arabic while minding their own business...

One would HOPE that the main stream media would finally get angry enough to do their damn jobs and go hard after Trump for his scandals and his corruption, which is only going to get worse once he is sworn in.

He is starting to intimidate them by denying the press pool access to him. This meeting is to further intimidate the media to bend to his will. He doesnt want the media to criticize his actions. This is a fucking call to arms for any and everyone who respects free press. This is a direct threat.

Need, no. Want, absolutely.

Pay attention to him: he’s going to be the guy pulling the strings. Trump can’t hold his attention on anything, so of course all the real work is going to get done by Pence.

Oprah is a shameless opportunist and it is about time she was called out for it. She preys on society’s most vulnerable members and feeds them consumerist pablum as way to ‘fix’ their problems.

I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.

The fact that he’s still under the impression that people want to be “in suspense” about what he’s doing with the government is mind boggling. How many years will it take him to realize the presidency is not a reality TV show? What a fucking gong show.

My brain can only flop back and forth between two thoughts:

“Crippled, dumb, and broke: how America lost its superpower status”. I can’t wait to read that.

I wouldn’t be shocked in the least if they had discussed this with them beforehand.

*Exasperated sigh.* Personal responsibility doesn’t apply to her, just to the poors. She does have a line of very affordable bootstraps for them to buy though.

Does everyone remember when the Joker says in The Dark Knight:

Aww, it’s the fault of a meddling marketer, huh? Ain’t that just a tough break for Ivanka that someone would do that.


I was shopping the other day at a discount store and I saw a dress that looked kind of cute but then I saw the Ivanka Trump tag and realized it was ugly. Hope she enjoys what this is doing to her brand.