
He doesn't just need to resign, he needs to be brought up on charges of extreme criminal negligence. This guy shrugged his shoulders while tens of thousands of people were poisoned.

As much as I’d like a women president just so that society could start getting over seeing a women in charge as a threat, I appreciate that we should elect the best option, not the only option.

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

Or what about her claiming that Sanders’ mention of her campaign contributions and speaking fees from Wall Street was a smear? It’s like he literally cannot state facts without it being characterized as an attack. A smear is a smear, but if someone is saying something that is true but you don’t want other people to

Bernie should’ve just outright said it, that obama was indeed progressive when he was elected the for the first term, but he isn’t now. He’s just as moderate as hillary is, if you drew a line from left to right, obama and hillary would be just left of the line, and bernie would be way down the left line (In american

You’re doing the Lord’s work, my friend.

Did it bother anyone else that Hillary is equating Universal Healthcare COVERAGE is the same as Universal HEALTHCARE? There’s a huge difference. I don’t understand why Bernie just let that pass. I mean, I think Obamacare was/is a huge improvement from millions of people not having insurance — but it’s still WAY too

Oh gods. I am so tired of Hillary’s constant refrain of “experience.” You know what? She has no relevant experience at all. What she’s got a lot of experience at it grooming herself to be president and doing all the things that look good on a resume to be president. But nowhere do I see her gaining the experience

I keep thinking of 2011 when President Obama still had fu<ks to give and was trying for his “Grand Bargain” which would have cut Medicare and cut Social Security in exchange for.... something. It was only Republican intransigence that saved us from that one.

Bernie voted to deregulate swaps.... and that contributed to the collapse of lehman bros

The fact that Hillary seems to be being described as someone who as a better chance of getting things done does not really adhere to the reality that we’ve had a moderate president of 8 years who has been completely stymied by Congress. We already have a Hillary in the White house, we know what it looks like.

Fuck Hillary Rodham Clinton a thousand times. Self aggrandizing liar.

....but the picture literally has “pic by Jimmy King” as the watermark. The sentiment still stands, but Iman did not take this picture.

I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no

What a class act. And thoughtful.

This is pretty standard. It’s to ensure the kid doesn’t just just laze around for the rest of their life. Waiting till 25 makes it more likely they’ll finish college and maybe get a job or find something to do with their life other than live off their father’s money.

Because 15-year-olds shouldn’t have 12 million dollars.

Probably to give her time to prepare to be responsible with it.

The gifts to the nanny and the assistant are even more evidence that David Robert Jones was a oner in the best possible way.